GORE-Tex Professional

Milipol – J Arthur (Pvt) Ltd

I run across all kinds of different stuff at these trade shows.  I found this take on a combat shirt by J Arthur Ltd rather interesting.  One friend asked me if it was a pajama when I showed him the photo.    

5 Responses to “Milipol – J Arthur (Pvt) Ltd”

  1. Agentofwrath says:

    That’s a really punny name. Because a Jay Arthur is in Cockney rhyming a wank. Or rubbing one out as it were.

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    Tactical scrubs?

  3. tremis says:

    Looks like a paintball jersey.

  4. Vince says:

    It’s the new Army maternity combat shirt for the soon to be returning females from deployment!

  5. Desert Lizard says:

    To me, the shocking thing isn’t that someone made it – it’s that someone proudly showcased it to professionals.