SIG SAUER - Never Settle

FirstSpear Range Day – Bravo Company Polymer KeyMod Handguard

Hot off the press, this KeyMod Polymer Handguard is coming soon from Bravo Company USA.  It’s rock solid and features steel inserts for the KeyMod attachments.  



7 Responses to “FirstSpear Range Day – Bravo Company Polymer KeyMod Handguard”

  1. Larry says:

    Keymod, the beta-max of rail mounting systems. Maybe this will grow on me but I am not feeling it right now. For whatever reason, I like the old MOE handgaurds.

  2. Cuvie says:

    The texture on the grippy parts of the handguard look like they took it from an impression of someone’s back hair

  3. CAP says:

    Would love to know more about the steel inserts for the keymod slots. I know the reason mlok exists is because magpul didnt think keymod was strong enough for polymer handguards. It would be interesting to see how BCM addressed that problem.

    • Magpul says:

      Magpul has stated specifically, “Keymod’s use of a conical nut makes it unsuitable for non metal mount surfaces such as MOE handguard applications.” This is validated by BCM’s decision to include metal in their polymer handguard as the supporting structure for the Keymod interface.

      Again nothing against Keymod. If your are sold on keymod the inclusion of a metal support is the smart (albeit expensive) way to add it to a polymer handguard opposed to an all polymer construction.

  4. Chris says:

    I actually like the look of this, but I think the drop in poly hand-guard market is tapped out. Almost everybody who buys a new rifle wants a free float, and anybody with a carbine hand-guard already has a Magpul, B5, etc. I like this offering, but I wouldn’t run out and replace my current stuff to get it.

    Why do companies do things like this? Would the R&D budget not be better spent elsewhere? I love me some BCM, but I am really starting to miss the days of innovation in the firearm industry.

  5. SPF says:

    Domestic LE is widely equipped with patrol carbines – the vast majority of which are topped with M-4 or similar handguards. Lights are often mounted in all sorts of crazy ways. Patrol staff are rarely able to replace a FSB with a low pro gas block and free float tube. For this market, so far, the only other alternative is Magpul. More choices is a good thing. I’ll definately look into one as we’re slowly upgrading our carbines.