GORE-Tex Professional

KiloNiner – A Shemagh For Your Dog

KiloNiner Pets is a lifestyle brand created by some guys I know in the tactical nylon business. They have started out by offering shemaghs in dog sizes. Available in several colors and two sizes, they’ll soon be joined by several other items like vests.



16 Responses to “KiloNiner – A Shemagh For Your Dog”

  1. Airborne_fister says:

    Where did they get that vest.

  2. BillC says:

    The most useless thing that I now have an overwhelming desire to buy.

  3. D.B. says:

    No. Just no.

  4. Stefan S. says:

    WTF over? Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

  5. John says:

    Not for me, but good luck with that.

  6. kopfjager says:

    Will go great with your dysfunction vet t shirt while your dog wears its molle multicam ‘SERVICE DOG DO NOT PET’ plate carrier

  7. babola says:

    Don’t think so, Tim.

    Please stop this madness.

  8. Jon says:

    Can I use this to express my overall disgust at people wearing shemags? …Unless you earned yours after an awkward Thursday and it still smells of cheap Pakistani cologne.

  9. Greg says:

    Wonder how long it takes before police start getting calls about terrorist dogs?

  10. defensor fortismo says:

    People have been putting bandanna on their dogs for years, I don’t really follow how this is any worse.

    • babola says:

      Not in a tactical sense. This one is just a little too much for pretty much any taste.
      Poor feline.

  11. Mike Honcho says:

    I asked my dog, Jack, if he wanted one of these. He said he doesn’t need a Hajji rag; clearly a “if I don’t need one no one does” situation. Jack the dog added that only POG dogs that never leave the yard wear shemaghs. Of course, if Clothing *and* Sales sells them, he’ll probably buy one, put Velcro on it, and wear it with his “Major League Crotch Sniffer” patch.

  12. This is hilarious, because Bostons own.

    The best ‘working’ dog ever! Such a good working dog! So fierce!

  13. john says:

    scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.