FirstSpear TV

Remember Task Force Ranger And The Battle Of Mogadishu

Today actually marks two major anniversaries in the history of US Special Operations. First, is the creation of the 75th Ranger Regiment through the activation of its 3rd Battalion. It’s also the date of 1993’s Battle of Mogadishu during which, elements of TF Ranger which was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia, conducted an operation on that city’s Olympic Hotel in order to capture key leaders of the Aidid Militia.


Unfortunately, during the exfil portion of the raid a battle ensued that claimed the lives of 18 Americans and wounded another 73. Additionally, CW3 Michael Durant was captured by the militia. Fortunately, Durant was later repatriated and went on to retire from the 160th. Of the men killed that day, two would be awarded the Medal of Honor, Delta Operators Gary Gordon and Randy Shughart for their selfless efforts to protect Durant after his aircraft, callsign Super 64 was shot down.

For those of you unfamiliar, one of the best accounts of the battle is contained in the book, “Blackhawk Down” by author Mark Bowden. Much of the information was serialized prior to the book’s publication in the Philadelphia Enquirer. Later this was made into a movie bearing the same name.

If you want to here more from a man that was there in the thick of it, check out Panteao Productions‘s “Battle of the Black Sea” featuring MSG Paul Howe (USA, Ret).

Please take a moment to remember these men and their sacrifice.

12 Responses to “Remember Task Force Ranger And The Battle Of Mogadishu”

  1. Mark Irons says:

    Hi, just created a 2 minute video in memory of Task Force Ranger and the Battle of Mogadishu. Rest in Peace to those lost.

  2. Gerard says:

    God bless every man killed, wounded or otherwise traumatized by this brutal battle. Their memory will live forever.

  3. Marcus says:

    We will never forget.


  4. Lerch says:


  5. Ragnar says:

    Bill Clinton let those warriors die just like his hag of a wife let the gentlemen in Libya die. They were abandoned for political expidency. Remember in November! A Clinton must never hold the position of CIC ever again!

    • Lerch says:

      Secretary of defense Les Aspin denied our request for Armor…

      • RetiredSoldier says:

        And to whom did SECDEF Aspin turn to determine whether or not to use C130 gunships for aerial overwatch? Don’t know? SLICK WILLY CLINTON.

  6. OkieRim says:


  7. Disco says:

    Once we get another Clinton in there, they’ll send more guys to their violent, untimely death.


  8. Chuck Mac says:

    maybe Combat Flip-Flops will open a shop in Somalia with some (Hillary) Mark Cuban backing

    • Griff says:

      Why the hating? On a post to honor Rangers. C’mon.

      If you’d like to know our thoughts on your Clinton/Cuban comment, please hit up our Facebook Live on Wednesday.

      All politics aside, we’ve been trying to figure out a cool product from Africa. Think we’ve got a winner in the queue. More to follow

      Have a great evening.
