FirstSpear TV

ADS Inc Presents – Kopis Mobile On Military Apps

In preparing for a recent blog post entitled, “Assessing the Need for Operational Apps in the Warfighter Community” ADS spoke with local defense technology company Kopis Mobile to discuss both commercially available mobile apps as well as custom military themed apps. Designed to save time and increase productivity, a quality app is also intuitive and easy-to-use.

Kopis Mobile not only specializes in designing and manufacturing custom apps, but they also offer app-enabled equipment, often integrating existing commercial technologies. Their success is based in their keen understanding of military requirements, from a programmatic as well as end-user standpoint, combined with the agility only a small, focused business, can offer. I’ve known the guys from Kopis going back over a dozen years, to my time at SOCPAC and later, after retirement with Blackwater and Mav6. They’ve introduced some very cool capabilities.

Read the whole thing at amd learn what apps can do for your mission.

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