TLR-7® X USB // Sidewinder Stalk®

SHOT Show 17 – Jesse James Firearms Unlimited

We’ll come right out and say it: Jesse James Firearms Unlimited is undoubtedly a boutique firearms manufacturer; they make weapons with flashy, cool designs, with or without intricate engraving, and attach high prices to said design. Given JJFU’s continued appearance at SHOT, and move to a bigger booth, this seems to be working quite well for them. And with that new booth, comes two new guns, the Stalin 12 and Califas Nomad.



The Stalin-12 is an AK-pattern shotgun in the same vein as the Russian Saiga-12 and Vepr-12, but made in the USA with a milled receiver in lieu of a stamped receiver, and an AR-esque selector switch. Reportedly, the Stalin-12 will MSRP at ~$7000, although a final price hasn’t been set, yet. There’s a great irony in seeing such a high price tag on a weapon named after a Communist dictator, to be sure.

Califas Nomad


The Califas Nomad is a rifle built in the same vein as the ARES SCR, an AR-derivative rifle designed to be compliant in 2A-unfriendly states like New York and California, but with an unmistakable JJFU aesthetic. With a side charging handle, skeletonized forend, and fixed wood stock, the Califas Nomad is a neat looking piece, but it’s also gonna run you ~$3500.

14 Responses to “SHOT Show 17 – Jesse James Firearms Unlimited”

  1. Cuvie says:

    Aren’t these the guys who made the $5,500 Britney Spears 1911?

  2. CapnTroy says:

    And you get a free Affliction t-shirt with every order…

  3. babola says:

    Britney Spears, Jessie James, Stalin…this must be a borderline WTF category material, Eric?

  4. meddqcivilian says:


    Any chances of a Hitler-20 or a Pol Pot-.410 in the near future? What about an Al Baghdadi-28?

  5. Texas-Roll-Over says:

    hahaha what a hack.

  6. Bert says:

    It costs seven grand to put an e-tool handle on a saiga?

  7. Mark says:

    You know… I didn’t think guns could suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but JJFU decided to break the mold.

  8. Mark M says:

    Joseph Stalin was on par with Hitler in terms of people killed and general monstrosity. This is analogous to like a Hitler edition STG-44 clone. Go home JJFU, you’re drunk.

    • Riastradh says:

      On par with Hitler? – Those that died under Stalin range from an estimated 20 million (1,830 deaths every single day) to 60 million (2 million killed during each year of Stalin’s reign – 40,000 every week, including during ‘peacetime’)

  9. Brando says:

    What, no swastikas?

  10. Marcus says:

    I’m holding out for the subsonic Hermann Goering in .510 Beck.

  11. Gotta be good to be that rich you can afford to have booth space you don’t use.

    Disclaimer – I have no idea if that’s actually what happened.