SureFire XC3

Combat Flip Flops – Free Combat Flip Flops AK’s with the Purchase of a War Rug

War Rug

Combat FlipFlops currently has a new line of Afghan War Rugs up for pre-order on their site. They’re handmade in Afghanistan, sourced throughout the Northern provinces, and every rug purchased covers the funding of a week of education for an Afghan girl. For the next week, Combat Flip Flops is offering a free pair of AK-47 flip flops with every rug pre-ordered. Put in your order before December 16th, and you’re guaranteed a pair of flip flops under the tree in time for Christmas; the rugs will be delivered early 2018.

The festive video below sums up the offer quite nicely:


11 Responses to “Combat Flip Flops – Free Combat Flip Flops AK’s with the Purchase of a War Rug”

  1. Battlife says:

    I have the exact same rug that I purchased in afghanistan 2 years ago for $30.00

    • Jeremy P says:

      Cool story bro. Mind flying over and picking me up one too? I can give you $31.

    • CFF.Griff says:

      If most people knew what it cost per KG to ship from Afghanistan and the duties incurred…

      • Battlife says:

        About 40-60 bucks to ship a 3 lb package to the us. $30 rug (probably a lot less), +60 shipping (if it was shipped individually) =$90. And probably not even that. So the remaining $210 will go to fund an individual afghan girls schooling for a month? Oh btw there is a 99.9% chance these rugs are made by some poor afghan women while the husbands sit around and smoke. Doesn’t add up.

  2. AbnMedOps says:

    Looks like it really ties the room together.

  3. Freedomadmeanin says:

    It’s actually a prayer rug. Sick joke.

    • CFF.Griff says:

      Hit up wiki. There’s a difference.

      • Freedomadmeanin says:

        Bro, I write wiki. Just kidding.

        “These images appeared on rugs of all sizes including – and possibly ironically – the rugs that were used as part of the Muslim call to prayer.”

        So, are the weavers paid or is this an exchange for schooling? Secondly, is there any way to vouch that the money (if any is exchanged) is not being funneled to the folks who also weaved the twin towers 9/11 themed war rugs? Thank you

        • CFF.Griff says:

          Pretty sure Afghans prayed over a rug like this at some point in time.

          The rugs are sourced throughout Northern Afghanistan. Purchased from family rug businesses supporting local wool producers–100% Afghan materials and labor.

          We donate to Aid Afghanistan for Education. They’re a globally recognized leader for accelerated women’s education in Afghanistan. If you’d like to see the schools and students, check out IG @CombatFlipFlops School photos typically post in the morning.

          As for the 9-11 War Rugs, it’s definitely abrasive the first time you see one. I tend to look at it from the viewpoint of Afghan History–they captured the history of why America was in their nation. It’s the truth and now a significant part of their heritage.

  4. paul says:

    I should have picked one up on my last trip…The cost seems a bit high since I bought a beautiful 4×6 rug for $280 my first time over there about 10 years ago now. I’m sure the price is justified in production, shipping, and the cause itself.