
Shoot That Guy, That One Right Over There

Larry Burrows photo, c1969.

8 Responses to “Shoot That Guy, That One Right Over There”

  1. Van says:

    U. S. military much more successful due to all our special forces..Semper Fi..!!

  2. pablo says:


  3. Big_Juju says:

    PLEASE PMCS that tripod!!! The rust!!!

  4. Joe says:

    Urban Tiger Stripe?

    Precursor to ABU Tiger?

    • Buckaroomedic says:

      This is exactly what I was thinking!

      Gotta love those old jungle fatigues!

      • Steveb says:

        From what I’ve read, the Tiger Stripes made in Country often were printed with vegetable based dyes and faded badly.

  5. GAND!S says:

    Same story, different time.