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Korean War Veteran Receives Eagle Scout Rank

After nearly 70 years of waiting, Ed Soria finally received his Eagle Scout Award.

According to the Boy Scouts of America, Ed served in the US Army during the Korean War. Shortly before leaving for duty, Ed submitted his paperwork to earn the rank of Eagle Scout but never received his award, until last week.

During the war, Ed and 700 others were captured and taken as prisoners of war. Only 296 of those POWs survived (known as the Tiger Survivors for the Tiger Death March) and Ed was fortunate enough to be one of them. To this day, Ed feels strongly that his experience as a Boy Scout directly contributed to his survival.

“My Eagle Scout training helped me tremendously to survive in a very harsh environment,” Soria said.

While he believes that the award may have been given to his mother while he was gone, it never surfaced when he returned home from the war. He then went on to serve again in Vietnam years later.

68 years after submitting his final paperwork, Ed finally received his Eagle Scout award at his home in Lake Shastina, California. “Only in America, such a free country, a beautiful country that we have, can a man accomplish his dreams – as far as you can go – and it’s all up to you,” Soria says.

Soria says he still keeps in contact with the remaining Tiger Survivors. He plans to hang his Eagle Scout medals with his other military medal accomplishments in his home.

7 Responses to “Korean War Veteran Receives Eagle Scout Rank”

  1. Jk says:

    You Sir are an American badass! As a fellow cav scout and Eagle Scout I salute you! Merica!

    • Jon says:

      He was a bad ass… but he was an Infantry badass, not some Cav Scout. (Just giving you crap)

  2. james says:

    Congratulations Sir, thank you for your service… and I could not be prouder than to know that you are among those who have achieved the rank of Eagle!

  3. Nick says:

    You sir are the definition of the Scout Oath. Congratulations on our achievement.

    Scout Oath
    On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

  4. Rob Collins says:

    Glad to see more Eagle Scouts, pretty good story of recognition long due.

  5. Brian Hartford says:

    Urrahh!!! Yes, you are an American badass! Thank you for your service! Yes, Boy Scouts is the best thing to ever happen to me, and my friends. It offers a world of skill sets that I use still, nearly everyday in some way. Perhaps the biggest umbrella skillset, improvisation! Due to the mass of knowledge one can obtain within the scouting programs. If only every kid could get into scouting, the world just might be a better place. A stronger place.

  6. Dellis says:

    This puts all the frivolous crap I complain about into proper perspective.

    Simply amazing, wonderful uplifting story.