It’s SOFIC week in Tampa. I wonder how many are still wearing their berets old school-style.
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on Monday, May 20th, 2019 at 21:00 and is filed under History, SOF, SOFIC.
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Center right shaved and wet formed not extending over the ear excessively was the standard I remember, but that was Maroon in the early 2000’s. Apparently headgear while in uniform off post is optional now so what do I know…
Not sure where the notion that headgear in uniform is optional while off post, but either way, berets are an awful choice of headgear. Why not go for a piece that requires far less maintenance and fitting when you can give everyone a boneless dead rat and then complain endlessly about how it’s worn.
Doesn’t say “pirate” is wrong!
If you ain’t right then you are wrong!!!
Proper wear of the Green Beret….at a formal function…all other times….a unique camouflage ball cap with morale patches (preferably from American Marauders) to show off your out of control beard!
If it isn’t worn the way John Wayne wore it in the movie you’re wrong…….and possibly a communist.
^ This!
We need a current version of this posted everywhere, on the PC. The Os and NCOs that allow this Sad Sack, Gomer Pyle, 1st Phase, Poolee look are suspect.