SIG SAUER - Never Settle

USSOCOM J5 Donovan Group Disruptive Speaker Series – Humans over Hardware: Posturing the SOF Enterprise for the Future

Disruptive Speaker Series
Humans over Hardware:
Posturing the SOF Enterprise for the Future

03 March 2020

Are you smarter than a well-oiled machine?

On 03 March, SOFWERX, in collaboration with the USSOCOM J5 Donovan Group, will host a Disruptive Speaker Series entitled “Humans over Hardware: Posturing the SOF Enterprise for the Future,” led by Dr. Lydia Kostopoulos, Strategy and Innovation Advisor for the Donovan Group.

The presentation hopes to stretch the audience’s thinking about how USSOCOM can creatively leverage talent in the context of increased connectivity, demographic changes, new understandings of sovereignty and dynamic threats.

RSVP NLT 24 February 11:59 PM EST

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