SIG SAUER - Never Settle

New Everyday Carry Tourniquet from Snakestaff Systems

Snakestaff Systems is proud to announce the Everyday Carry Tourniquet (ETQTM). Made in the U.S.A., it’s the smallest and lightest windlass tourniquet on the market. We spent years in R&D developing a reliable tourniquet that is 65% smaller than the industry standard. It fits in most 9mm pistol magazine carriers, in just about any pocket, or even on a keychain.

Responsible citizens are statistically more likely to use a tourniquet than their everyday carry pistol; however, very few people carry a tourniquet. Most tourniquets are large and bulky, making them difficult or uncomfortable to carry on your person. We set out to fix that problem without sacrificing reliability.

The ETQ is packed with innovative features that solve common issues. Occasionally, tourniquet windlasses become displaced during emergency transportation. On the ETQ, a carabiner gate locks in the windlass making the tourniquet more secure. The ETQ also includes a chemlight that automatically snaps and activates when applied—a feature that helps first responders locate an injury in low light. Lastly, the ETQ’s windlass is extremely rigid and textured for positive retention and grip, even when coated in blood.

In our research, we found many civilians don’t know the proper way to apply a tourniquet. The ETQ has simple instructions printed on the product, along with a QR code that navigates the user to an easy-to-understand video tutorial. This video can successfully guide someone with zero medical experience through emergency tourniquet application.

For Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, Military, and whoever wants it, we also make the 1.5” ETQ WideTM version designed to meet criteria set forth by the Department of Defense Tourniquet Working Group. We look forward to submitting samples to CoTCCC and continue gathering real world data for when they conduct their next round of TQ evaluations. (Unfortunately they do not meet every year to recommend new TQ’s on the market. The last recommendations were in 2019) This true 1.5” wide version is a little bit easier to use, but slightly larger, at 50% the size of the industry standard.

We have nothing but respect for other tourniquet manufacturers. They have saved countless lives. The ETQ is just another tool in your arsenal. Think of it as a concealed carry handgun – useful when space and concealment is a factor. If you love your current tourniquet brand, keep using it; we just encourage you to carry one everyday, to train with it regularly, and only buy quality American made products.

Your family and friends count on you. Don’t be the guy without a tourniquet in an emergency.

Available for purchase now at:

17 Responses to “New Everyday Carry Tourniquet from Snakestaff Systems”

  1. James says:

    I’ve been waiting for something like this! The elimination of the Velcro on the windlass retention is huge. Your gear shouldn’t tear up you, itself, or other equipment- the Velcro on the CAT and the sharp edges on the SOFTW (to a lesser degree)wreck everything they’re remotely near. Not an issue with covered pouches, but leads to people closing the retention strap or switching to something like a SWAT-T.

  2. MINN-KOTA says:

    I’ll let the experts chime in, but aren’t the SOF-T and CAT wide for a reason? To prevent tissue damage?

    • Arrius says:

      One of the owners here. Really good question man. So the CAT actually uses a 1″ constricting band inside a larger sleeve. Nothing wrong with that, its a great TQ that’s saved a lot of lives. We’ve got a lot of respect for NAR. TQ’s like the SOF-T Wide can do less tissue damage due to the extra width. ETQ also has a 1.5″ WIDE version designed to meet all DOD Tourniquet Working Group requirements. Main thing we advocate is just carry a TQ everyday, no matter what brand…and only buy American.

      • Chris P says:

        What clinical testing has been done on these? Any third party studies yet? Looks very promising. Hopefully this is as good as it looks.

        • Ben says:

          We have done doppler and ultrasound testing, and have had many trauma personnel review and test it. We are working on third party studies now.

    • Jason says:

      It does say they make a 1.5” wide version that is in accordance with dod and tccc standards but is only 50% smaller.

  3. Robert says:

    At first blush, I like this a lot. Small, but important changes/details, looks to have undergone significant testing, fair price, and made in the U.S.A.

    The video on their site was well done – not shying away from realistic scenarios, not scared to show their product in conjunction with guns, etc.

    I wonder if any testing has been conducted specifically with women, to determine if these are easier for them to use than standard TQs, as their hands are usually smaller than men’s – in most civilian confrontations outside of active shooters (road rage, etc.), the man is more likely to be shot, so the wife/gf may be the one to have to put the TQ into action (depending on GSW location, shooting victim’s state of consciousness, etc.).

    I will most likely be getting at least a few of these to test/possibly put into the med kits we carry on our person(s) at all times.

    Please keep us updated if a SSD discount code becomes available.

    • Ben says:

      Other owner here – we did testing with women and children, yeah, and that was one of the factors for choosing to include instructions and the QR code to an instructional video. That, and one handed application. Ease of use is very important in situations where one is likely disabled, in shock, and covered in slick blood.

      • Robert says:

        Excellent, thank you.

        Many other companies could learn from your approach – well thought out improvements/additions, testing to back it up, promotional video that leans more towards reality, and less towards a Hollywood movie, and a reasonable price point, even though the product is made in the U.S.A.

        The fact that you don’t try to tell potential customers “Our TQ is the best, don’t use anyone else’s” speaks volumes (as it’s far more important for each person to carry at least 1 quality TQ on their person, no matter the brand).

        Well done.

        • Ben says:

          Thanks dude.

          We are users/shooters, and I think that helps us – we approach it from a user’s perspective.

          And for sure, there are various good TQs out there that have saved a lot of lives, our mission is to get people to start training with them and carrying them. Our products just make it easier, but we are happy whenever we get comments like “I already EDC a CAT”, because that’s what we want.

  4. John says:

    I watched the ultrasound video on the website and saw that releasing the pressure is as easy as pulling the Velcro tail. I wonder how secure that stays under a lot of movement or how easily it could catch on something and release pressure. Is there a way to secure that tail so it doesn’t accidentally come undone?

    • Ben says:

      This is the same as most TQs, at least, the ones with hook and loop, like the CAT. It can be fully secured, but during testing like this, it isn’t necessary.

      In our testing, the ETQ was one of a couple TQs that did not fail at all (release of pressure, typically the windlass coming loose, lots of TQs only use a small strip of velcro to secure it).

  5. James says:

    Man! Those went quick! Congrats guys!

  6. snap-cracke-pop says:

    I tried to by one now FOUR weeks in a row… tourniquet was in the cart and everything filled out within 25 seconds… when I clicked ‘buy now’… SOLD OUT.
    600-1.000 units “SOLD OUT” in less than 25 seconds???
    Somethings fishy.