It’s been 27 years since I created my original website, The Gear Guru, which was founded in October 1997 on Geocities of all places. Even better, I created it on NIPRNET dialup over DSN from Exercise Foal Eagle 97 at K2 in Korea to Hurlburt Field. Eventually it did receive a proper URL:
The Way Back Machine has some archived versions of the site. Check them out if you want to know the secret origins of SSD, back when you had to create pages via HTML.
It was a lot of fun when I did it, and I learned a lot.
Eric Graves
Congratulations. I’ve seen many blogs and websites similar to SSD come and go. But Gear Guru evolved and SSD and Tactical Fanboy have grown and prospered. Well Done. BZ.
It’s been a fun journey. My favorite part by far was the camouflage wars. Thanks for everything you do Eric.
What a journey! Proud to have been a part of it, as you have been a part of ours. Now lets wait for an AI button you can push and turn it all into a history of gear book!
Loved the Gear Guru then, still love checking Soldier Systems today.
Outstanding, you’ve done a hell of a job through the decades!
This page continues to fill a gap between defense industry news and other individual personal/professional items. The focus on individual gear is outstanding, and the sprinkling of Terry Baldwin type articles keeps me checking on this site regularly. Solid work. Thank you!
Well done GG!
This was a great one. Shared this many times back in the day. All the best from SOF/Oman
This is super cool. Dont know how I didnt know about this already
Did you ever find Lobo’s Laws?
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