SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Denmark Goes MultiCam

The new Combat Uniform M/11 in MultiCam is coming soon for Danish troops who have been using the M/84 pattern uniform for over 20 years. Rather than separate M/01 desert and M/84 woodland uniforms, there will be heavy and lightweight variants of the new M/11.

Despite popular belief, the M/84 pattern uniform has actually been improved numerous times over the years. For instance, a breathable membrane was introduced as well as integrated knee protection. Additionally, they have gone to a nylon based fabric. And while this is an improvement over cotton for use in cold wet environments found in Northern Europe, as we know, in a flame threat environment, nylon is not your friend.

Due to manufacturing lead times, ISAF 15 & 16 should deploy with the new uniforms in 2013.

Thanks KK!


4 Responses to “Denmark Goes MultiCam”

  1. Strike-Hold! says:

    Is this just for use in Afghanistan, or for all Danish troops everywhere? The story seems to imply the former…

  2. Birk AK says:

    That is great news for us, in the danish army!

    The multicam pattern will be for everyone, starting with ISAF team 15 (FEB 2013) and ISAF 16 (AUG 2013). This will make it so mush easier to get gear for the army, in the future.

    FYI: the old uniforms that they have improved several times, are not as modern as they want them to sound… But luckily we are allowed to use any clothing with the danish camo-pattern (MC in the future) if we want to buy it our selves.


  3. Ipkiss says:

    ..And still the Netherlands think they need to develop their own pattern. What a waste of money.

  4. Buckaroomedic says:

    Why don’t they just make MultiCam the “official” NATO camouflage? Seems like it’s going to happen anyways . . .

    Would be very helpful for IFF, and a helluva lot cheaper in the long run too.