
Gizmodo Falls for Duffel Blog Story

Holy Schnookies! Gizmodo was actually the website that inspired me to create SSD as a daily blog. However, as good as they are, that doesn’t mean that mistakes don’t happen. And earlier today, they happened. One of their reporters was taken in by “Duffel Blog” a blog similar to “The Onion” but targeted at the military. Apparently, Gizmodo actually believed that the US Army was trading in their bayonets for tomahawks. Good Grief Charlie Brown. This is why I pull my hair out every time the MSM ‘discovers’ a military story. Better luck next time guys.

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5 Responses to “Gizmodo Falls for Duffel Blog Story”

  1. Giovani says:

    Well, the author is Jesus Diaz. He’s not really known for being sharp of mind, or having much journalistic intregrity. The blog would be better off without the guy.

  2. casual says:

    I used to follow Giz, but got tired of the Apple-saturated “news”. Switched to Engadget, never looked back.
    Also, that picture is hilariously photoshopped. Bravo.

  3. You would have thought they could tell from the upside down jerry can in the picture that it was ‘suspect’. Even if they couldn’t identify the other components.

  4. Strike-Hold says:

    LOL. What’s the old quote, “The satirists worst fate is to be taken seriously.”?

  5. Jason says:

    Haha that’s great. This reminds me of when a coupla airsoft companies took Duffelblog’s “Tactical Beards” article seriously lol.