
Woodland Camo Skipped Cool and Went Straight to Hip

Just this week I began looking at Woodland camo with a renewed sense of nostalgia. It had been long enough since the services had dumped it like an ugly girlfriend and I had even asked someone to do something for me in Woodland. It was well on its way to ‘cool’ again, at least for me. But then I was forwarded and advertisement from Barneys. Looks like Woodland skipped straight from lame to hip. Me and cool got left in the dust.

7 Responses to “Woodland Camo Skipped Cool and Went Straight to Hip”

  1. Decent Weasel says:

    Well played, good sir. Yes, the specter of the archetypal camouflage pattern appearing on tiny-hatted men who declare I’ve “probably never heard of it” is not something I relish.

  2. Sal Palma says:

    Well, I simply can not find words to express myself… LOL

  3. mike says:

    I don’t care if it’s cool or not. I don’t care if hipsters are wearing it ultra tight or if thugs are wearing it ultra baggy. I live in a woodland evironment in the Mid-Atlantic portion of United States and I will always love woodland for this area (the wooded portions, of course). Oh, and Flecktarn.

  4. Sgt Swat says:

    Wow…that looks gay. lol

  5. JD says:

    I just want to punch him… someone said nothing screams “I’m not going to help” like skinny jeans… they are now wrong…

  6. Nick says:

    Hipsters must have just figured our MARSOC is wearing woodland…

  7. K' says:

    I’m digging the fit, but that guy’s pose and haircut really gives me the case of the angries.

    Too bad that this is from Barney’s, which means that these pants are gonna cost something like $500, which is all sorts of wrong and way, way overpriced. Even if these pants were FR, stopped shrapnel, and had coagulants in the fabric, it’d still be overpriced.