GORE-Tex Professional

‘American Sniper’ Author Chris Kyle Murdered – Suspect in Custody – Updated Sunday 2100 CST

I’m quite saddened to report that police have discovered two dead at Rough Creek Lodge in Texas. One victim has been identified as Chris Kyle, former US Navy SEAL and author of the best seller, “American Sniper.” As of Sunday morning, the second victim has been identified as close friend, 35 year old Chad Littlefield of Midlothian, Texas. Law Enforcement is treating the deaths as homicides.


Erath County, Texas Sheriff investigators stated that they have identified a suspect and that he should be treated as armed and dangerous, having military training. As head of Craft International, Chris often trained at Rock Creek Lodge, a well known resort offering Golf, Fishing, Hunting and Shooting Sports.


Whether training others to responsibly handle firearms, honing the skill of his fellow warriors or raising funds to help the wounded heal, Chris stood with his fellow Americans as a hero. Tragically, we understand that it was during a wounded warrior event that the fatalities occurred. Chris leaves behind his wife Taya and two children. We are diminished by his loss.

Local news outlets are reporting that the murders occurred between 3 and 4 PM and that just before 9 PM CST they apprehended suspect Eddie Ray Routh over 70 miles away in Lancaster, Texas. The suspect fled the scene in Kyle’s pickup. 25 year old Routh is a Texas native and authorities are seeking a capital murder warrant. Routh is said to be a USMC Veteran and a PTSD sufferer, although there has been not motive disclosed in the murders. He has been arraigned and is being held on a $3 Million bond.

UPDATE – Apparently, the three were at a range at about 3:15 on the property and were discovered by a hunting guide about two hours later. Erath County Sheriff Tommy Bryant has disclosed that Routh used a semiauto handgun in the slayings and shot both victims multiple times.

Further details have emerged. Apparently, Routh drove to his sister’s home in Midlothian and told his sister and brother-in-law about the crime and they contacted authorities after he had left.

www.yourstephenvilletx.com reports that jailers had to tase an unruly Routh when the prisoner refused to turn in his tray after dinner. He is reportedly restrained to a chair in his cell.

We will continue to update this story as we receive additional information.

The Erath County Sheriff has released this photo of suspect, Eddie Ray Routh. Normally we don’t show photos of accused murderers but, as Routh is a former Marine, some of you may know him.

Eddie Ray Routh


80 Responses to “‘American Sniper’ Author Chris Kyle Murdered – Suspect in Custody – Updated Sunday 2100 CST”

  1. Don says:

    Wow. Rest in peace brother.

  2. Ray says:

    Whoa! WTF???!!! keep us updated and my prayers are with his family…I’m at a loss for words

  3. LineDoc says:

    Unbelievable. A damn American hero deserved better. We’ll take it from here brother.

  4. Matt says:

    Rest in peace brother. The nation has lost a hero. May swift justice be brought to the savage who took him from us.

  5. GW says:

    I was just with him two weeks ago. Doom on the people who did this.

  6. LeDuc says:

    rest in peace brother…we got you

  7. Mooch says:

    Looks like they may have the low-down dirty dog that done it. Get some rope.


  8. Nigel says:

    RIP Brother. You deserved better. See you on the other side.

  9. Brian says:

    Rest In peace. Your service kept our country safe. may your killer suffer alot of pain and a swift justice.

  10. WRTCHD1 says:

    Godspeed Chris, we will honor your memory!

  11. Trajan says:


    Rest in Peace. My prayers are with the family.

  12. Chuy says:

    Condolences to the family. Smells like a conspiracy!! Eddie Ray Routh…Lee Harvey Oswald…John Wilkes Booth. Hmmmm

    • SSD says:

      They do that so that everyone else with the same first and last names don’t get slathered with the backlash of their namesake’s behavior.

      • dugg says:

        sorry i got to agree with Chuy, alot of killings here lately and only first and last names used to identify suspect. Just my opinion but hypothetically when anarchy,and chaos breaks out how deadly would he have been against the opposition. just saying.

        • SSD says:


          So that I fully understand what you are saying, I need to rephrase. What you mean is that if the press uses a killer’s full name then that is an admission that he was party to a conspiracy. But, if the killer only has a first and last name then he is just a run-of-the-mill scumbag. Is this what you mean? If so, you are stupid.

    • Clifton says:

      You are right!

  13. MaxM says:

    So sad and tragic. My thoughts are with his family. Horrible day.

  14. GuNn3R-;- says:

    truly at a loss of words.. wow… thoughts and prayers are with the family.. just wow…

  15. Clifton says:

    Rest in peace brother. My prayers go out to you and your family, friends, and loved ones.

  16. Chris K says:

    RIP Chris. Sorry to see you go, but glad you got to make it home to enjoy the time you had. You are remembered.

  17. J.D says:

    I’m sick…

  18. Eric B says:

    Heartbreaking. I hope justice will be served on this murderer and that the families of the victims will find peace.

  19. Wapiti Bob Wildflowers says:

    My regards to the family peace be with you. Rest now
    Chris. You will be missed. Chris good journey brother Thank you for your service.

  20. Bman says:

    Rest in peace. I am thankful that we got the great service we did from Chris and his skills. I hope the ass hat that did this dies in the chair with some good ole Texas justice.

  21. Dan M says:

    A loss for words, the light of a true patriot has been extinguished.

    Rest in peace brother.

  22. Eric says:

    RIP Man, thank you more than words can convey for your service, Our prayers go out to him and his family, God Bless him.

  23. AEC says:

    RIP brother, you were an amazing person.

    Navy Chief – Navy Pride

  24. Jack Davis says:

    I can’t believe it, you made the bad times over in sadr city not so bad you always had a way of making things funny. I never got to thank you for what you did for me in Najaf, just wish I could have been there for you. I’m so sorry for your family and friends, just know I’ll never forget who got me out when I was hit. The world has lost a real hero.

  25. Paul says:

    I am truly sorry to of the lost of a True Hero, my hat is off to Chris and for his family, may his killer be brought to swift and proper justice, my time heal the lost of a great man.

  26. Rest in Peace Chris. Our prayers to your wife and kids.

  27. JW says:

    This news makes me sick to my stomach.

  28. rick Fauble says:

    Fair Winds and Following Seas shipmate. A tragic loss to America, another hero gone. Prayer sent on high for Chris’ family.

  29. Wow, very sad news.

  30. JOE B. says:


  31. Jorge C. says:


  32. Lady Blue says:

    God be with Kyle’s family and provide the comfort that will get them through the days and weeks ahead. America is richer for that fact that Chris Kyle lived and served with HONOR.

  33. Gary Metcalf says:

    I feel terrible, I thought Chris was an awesome guy. I hope the killer gets some prison justice . Feel so bad for his wife and kids

  34. ODG says:

    Thoughts and prayers to the family, swift and lethal justice to man responsible!

    Fair winds and following seas frogman……God speed!

  35. BadCo1 says:

    This is ridiculous, we need to start taking a look internally and start cleaning up this nation full of crackpots. No american deserves this let alone a man who put his life on the line to defend our great nation. Never Forgotten

  36. Vince says:

    Rest well brother. Your mark has been left and you have made a difference in many lives. Thank you for giving of yourself so that others may live. Your torch will be carried on. You can drop your pack, we got it. My prayers are with the Kyle family. SSD, keep us posted.

  37. liz says:

    I smell a weak communist who remembers the heroes of Bengazi and is watching real American men who are a threat to their evil plans.

    God protect our men. Rest in peace brave warrior.

    • jude says:

      Yes , just as I thought, I smell a conspiracy, taking out the opposition one at a time. What did Chris in Bengazi find out Obama and Hillary didn’t want exposed?

  38. trbill64 says:

    It must be a conspiracy. What else are we to think? There have been way too many killings since the Democrats started the push to relieve US citizens of their rights to keep and bear arms. Rest in peace, Chris Kyle.

  39. Todd Camper says:

    I’m disgusted and embarrassed that heroes like Chris Kyle are disrespected by filth like these clowns on my local newspapers blog .

    • Dean Fitzgerald says:

      I couldn’t look at that website any more as the comments on the story were just infuriating!

    • AJ says:

      Learned a long time ago not to read comments on articles other than here on SSD and a few other select sights. Gets my blood pressure way too high. My prayers are with the Kyle family.

  40. Norvegian says:

    Apparently it was a guy with PTSD who lost it.
    Its a sign that people must take PTSD more seriously.

    RIP Chris Kyle.

    • Giovani says:

      Having PTSD doesn’t necessarily mean one is predisposed to violent outbursts. You’re a reader of SSD, and as such should know better.

    • Giovani says:

      Having PTSD doesn’t necessarily mean one is predisposed to violent outbursts. You’re a reader of SSD, and as such should know better.

  41. Mohican says:

    I knew about this news as soon as I got up and it shocked me. I couldn’t believe it!

    For sure Chris is looking us from Heaven right now. He has just become one of those angels who watch us. I will remember him this morning in the range.

    Rest In Peace, Brother In Arms!

    God bless you!

    My most sincere condolences to his Family, Friends, and Mates.

  42. MATBOCK says:

    Only had the oppurtunity to meet Chris one time, but even in that short meeting you could tell he was an American patriot. Willing to do anything to ensure our success. Rest in peace.

  43. Neal Player says:

    Prayers for the family. “Blessed are the Peacemaker’s”

  44. Juan Bravo says:

    Thoughts and Prayers for his young family… very sad… RIP Warrior.
    ‘THANK YOU’ for the 2 minutes we spoke… and signing my book..
    An awesome Operator, Brother…. and down-to-earth Texan..
    ALWAYS REMEMBER NEVER FORGET….Those who serve with HONOR, both in Harm’s way and at home.

  45. Zulu6 says:

    Fair Winds and Following Seas Shipmate … We in the Chiefs Mess Will Miss you.

  46. John Dooley says:

    Fair Winds Chief Kyle!

  47. George says:

    I’m so sorry for such a lost. This guy was an american hero. RIP brother. America can’t stay an open range like this. Something needs to be done.

  48. dave scott says:

    whole thing smells …look at facts 2hr delay between shooting and 911 call…real long time to report 2nd man…reported party at club at same time for vets….who called 911.. more sealed reports and funerals..where the witnesses,if any…..

  49. Chip says:

    Rest in peace chris . Ssd, thank your for the report and kind words for this man. Gods peace on this family.

  50. Chance says:

    I was sickened to hear this. We’ve lost a true American hero, on the battlefield and off. My heart goes out to the families of Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield.