B5 Systems

TacJobs – Anti-Poaching Warden at SanWild

As many SSD readers know, poaching has become a major threat to many endangered species in Africa. SanWild is a protected habitat for injured and orphaned wild animals in Letsitele, South Africa. SanWild has made an interesting offer that came to use from Pencari.

Latest news in from PENCARI Defence and Security training providers

Here’s some amazing news from our friends at SanWild! Attend and successfully complete PENCARI’s Combat Tracking Information Exploitation (IX) and Pursuit Course in South Africa (05-16 August) and SanWild will offer you a permanent employment contract as an Anti-Poaching Ranger. For more information concerning this incredible opportunity email us at: info@pencari.co please title your email: CTIX SA.

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8 Responses to “TacJobs – Anti-Poaching Warden at SanWild”

  1. IW says:

    That email address looks incorrect? Is it .com or .co.za?

  2. FLC says:

    Now that is a job opportunity!
    poacher hunter!

  3. orly? says:

    Poaching? Really?

    Sounds nice, but its just another cop job.

    • Rogerrabbit says:

      And the problem with that is ??? Stopping people from illegally destroying natural resources sounds like a commendable occupation to me. Or we can do nothing and let these poachers destroy the resources. And yes it does sound “nice” and commendable.

  4. SGT Rock says:

    I’d love to go out into the bush and track down poachers then face shoot them. Their ilk needs to be dealt with in the most extreme of terms.

  5. jteran says:

    What are the requirements for this?

  6. Stefan says:

    Included in the email response from PENCARI:

    “Please understand that there is no guarantee that a successful pass on PENCARI’s CTIX will lead to a definite placement and permanent post as a Counter Poaching Ranger.”