B5 Systems

Ares Armor Introduces Kydex

Made in the United States of America, by Marines

Ares Armor has introduced a line of Kydex, that is, Made in America, by Marines. How can you top a line like that?


While they’ve got several stock items, including a cool Fast Dip Pouch, Ares Armor specializes in custom Kydex.

kydex dip pouch

Jerry is their go to guy to start designing your Custom Kydex Product. Ares promises that if Email him with what you are thinking about making (please include: Make, Model); they’ll have an appropriate quote back to you within 48 hours.

Custom Kydex: CustomKydex@AresArmor.com
Direct: Jerry@AresArmor.com



7 Responses to “Ares Armor Introduces Kydex”

  1. JW says:

    I’ll pass on the malice clips though. Those things were spawned by satan himself.

    The dip holster is absolutely hilarious, mission essential for any Marine

  2. Brian says:

    That chewing tin is so cool it makes me wish I chewed!lol

  3. Andrew says:

    I’m sure they make great gear, but I am really not a fan of the “Made in the United States of America, by Marines” slogan. It seems tasteless to me and almost as if they’re trying to use their EGA to sell kydex…

    • TW says:

      Would you rather it said “made in Vietnam, by a bunch of slant eyed Mercia hatin gooks” like everything from TAG, Blackhawk, and all the other big so called “tactical” companies. Area Armor is a great company that takes input from the guys that use the gear and custom tailor it for them, and they are always improving. I would rather have gear from guys who have been there and know what is required of it, Marines, than some plastic POS made in some Asian country.

    • Dave says:

      I would much rather see it say “Made in the United States America, by Marines” Than made in China, Korea, Japan or any where else. Just my 2 cents form an old retired Gunny!!! Semper FI.

      • Andrew says:

        Obviously not, but I see no reason to include the made by Marines part. To me, that seems as if they are trying to sell that part. Just say made in America, nothing else is needed. And I’m a former Marine too gunny, I just don’t like seeing the EGA used like that. Maybe I’m off base, but hey, thats how I feel.

        • SSD says:

          I guess I missed where they put the EGA on their products. I for one (and not a former Marine) am damned glad to see our Veterans at work, running businesses. Not everyone can be a Marine and I take no offense to their pride.