SIG MMG 338 Program Series

MontanaTech / The Peak – Safe Travel Abroad Course

The Peak MontanaTech

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The Peak, in association with MontanaTech is offering a new course for Fall 2014 called Safe Travel Abroad. In this course, students will learn essential skills of traveling abroad while mitigating risks to their safety. Learned skills include recognizing health issues, disease prevention, recognizing safe food and water sources, identifying safe modes of travel, and recognizing traveler scams, criminal activities, and kidnapping risks. The students will also undergo an all-encompassing field exercise at the end of the course. It’s a great course for Government, Industry and Tourist alike.

Safe Travel Abroad is a combination of lecture, homework, a final field exercise, and intensive class participation/discussions. The course is capped at 15 students, so if you’re capable of attending and interested be sure to register early.


The Peak was started by some PJ friends of mine and they offer a wide variety of training opportunities including tactical movement in a variety of arduous terrain at their Montana facility.

For more information, contact Mark Gollinger at The Peak Inc. at 406-494-7999.


6 Responses to “MontanaTech / The Peak – Safe Travel Abroad Course”

  1. JM says:

    This would be awesome as an online course.

  2. Connor says:

    Course is already working!
    I can see a scam!

  3. Crayon eating booger eater says:

    Something makes me wonder if recreational marijuana use is legal in Montana.

  4. Zulu6 says:

    Seems like a ripoff of the original Overseas travel Security program that was a module at JFKSWC’s Anti-terror course or any pre-travel pre-brief for virtually all USG agencies. All of this data is available online or buy Rob Pelton’s (OK OK he has issues) World’s Most Dangerous Places or peruse Lonely Planet’s Thorn tree. Its all there. No need to go to Montana of all places.

    • SSD says:

      Unless we’ve been to the course, we can’t say one way or another if that’s true. And while you can definitely read up on stuff, these guys will run through scenarios to actually apply it. Would you say that the web-based SERE courses are effective as the ones you taught at the schoolhouse?

  5. Golf1echo says:

    The folks there are first class and have been training SOF forces for years. They have great experience to teach a course like this. Their references speak for themselves.