GORE-Tex Professional

The Duke’s House – Dictator Chic T-Shirts

The Duke’s House is where you stay when you’re TDY to Bragg, if you’re an SF guy that is.

Saddam Chic

The Duke’s House is selling these Dictator Chic t-shirts through their webstore. Made from 100% cotton, the Dictator Chic shirts come in two designs: Saddam or Gaddafi, with the despot of choice’s face on the front, and Duke’s House branding on the back.

Gaddafi Chic

Available in the following colors: Desert Sand, Heather Gray, and Slate, in sizes SM – XL.




8 Responses to “The Duke’s House – Dictator Chic T-Shirts”

  1. SRez says:

    Very unclear on the message of that shirt, too ambiguous. Does it praise these despots? Are viewed from a bullet’s perspective?! I didn’t think either were shot by SF. People who wear Che Guavara’s image admire him, and these appear similar to the average viewer.

    • Invictus says:

      A nice Trijicon reticle, or plain old duplex crosshairs would clear that ambiguity right up!

  2. @SRez These t-shirts are takeoffs of old 2003 Baath party shirts in heavy circulation in Iraq (And much sought after by soldiers during OIF). The “message” is that you can live like the opulent lifestyle of a dictator on a beareucrat’s budget when you stay at The Duke’s House. -MGMT

  3. Josh says:

    If I didn’t already live at Bragg, I would TDY at “The Duke’s House” without a doubt.

  4. SGT Rock says:

    You guys need to offer more dictators as I’d like to have multiple choices during the week.

  5. checkmate6 says:

    Are you selling skinny jeans too?