SIG MMG 338 Program Series



AttackPAK is a Colorado-based company which specializes in a modular belt and pack system with a rigid frame.


The backbone of the AttackPAK system is the belt and frame. The belts feature multiple rows of PALS webbing, and readily function as stand-alone battle belts. These can be further customized with alternative buckles, and the belt covers can be switched out for covers with different loadouts, utilizing a single base belt. The frames are made from ABS plastic, and come in a multitude of sizes for end-user comfort and function. The frames slip into the rear of the belts, upon which all compatible packs can be mounted. As a bonus, the patented design allows the pack and frame to separate from the belt without removing the later, for quickly lightening the load.


AttackPAK offers multiple mountaineering and tactical packs. Seen here is the Transporter Pack, a 3000 cu. in. pack with accommodations for 3 hydration bladders, a cavernous main compartment, and a weight of under 2 lbs unloaded.


Tying in with the concept of modularity, here you can see the MOLLE Frame Cover being used to mount a Pelican case directly to the frame. Additionally, the ‘Balanced Load’ design transfers weight to the hips on all loads attached to the frame and belt system, insuring comfort over long periods of time and with heavy loads.

AttackPAK products come in standard tactical color options, including Black, Coyote Brown, and MultiCam.


2 Responses to “AttackPAK”

  1. mike says:

    Good people with a cool product. Looks like the board has gone through some upgrades, as has the belt pad. I look forward to seeing this in the wild!

  2. Mike says:

    Damn. They’re less than 2miles from where I live. I’m gonna pay attention to them!