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Archive for the ‘Admin’ Category

The Internet Claims Another Victim – ‘Soldier of Fortune’ Magazine To Cease Hard Copy Publication, Go Digital Only

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

According to the Wall Street Journal, Soldier of Fortune magazine is ceasing publication of the hard copy edition and going digital-only beginning with the April 2016 issue which should hit newsstands soon.  Publisher Robert K Brown, LTC (USAR, Ret) is 83 now and putting together a monthly magazine is no joke.  While I don’t blame him, it’s sad to see it go.  I’m hoping they’ll improve their online presence.  I’d like to keep up but their site needs some work.


Quite frankly, I am bummed. I grew up with Soldier of Fortune; literally. Although I didn’t read the magazine from the very first issue, I started reading it in 1978, after it had been around for a few years.  I still read printed magazines, including SOF.  Perhaps I feel like I’m being forced to consider my own mortality.  When you’ve seen something since you were a kid, it’s kind of a shocker to see it go.  SOF has had its ups and downs over the years but it was a magazine written by some guys who had been-there-done-that and definitely influenced more than one generation over its 40 year run.  What are your memories?

In the future, Soldier of Fortune’s content will be found at www.sofmag.com.

We’ve Started A “Hater” Matrix

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

I know, it sounds funny, doesn’t it? But the recent level of buffoonery in our comments section seemed to warrant some sort of tracking system. Turns out, a few of you guys complain…a lot. In some cases, it’s like having lunch with a guy who thinks he’s funny but no one else laughs at his jokes. In others it’s like having a mean drunk show up at a party.

So, here’s the deal. If the majority of your comments are about how much everything sucks, you’re now caught up in the matrix. It’s actually entertaining and at some point we may share it to give everyone a look. There are some real winners out there.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, I’m a parent after all, but no, it’s not cool to be in the matrix. In fact, the matrix is a lot like a black list. Older guys will know what happens to people on the black list. It generally involves a black helicopter, in the middle of the night. Don’t be on that bird.

Attention SSD Readers

Friday, February 12th, 2016

We’ve got some great readers.  Thanks for supporting us these past eight years!

16,000 Articles

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

We posted our 16,000th article this week.  

Break’s over.  Back on your heads!

The News

Friday, February 5th, 2016

Despite assertions to the contrary, I do not sit around plotting to ruin people’s lives with SSD. Actually, people seem to do a pretty good job of doing that on their own. This isn’t a gossip site, so the bar for what gets posted is pretty high. Generally, the personalities you read about on SSD make a living by showing off their mug at every opportunity, They’re always so pleased to see their latest accomplishment posted on the site, but they get upset when their buffoonery makes it as well. It’s not like we publish every little rumor. They’ve got to really work for the recognition.

It’s not just individuals. We write about companies as well, and sometimes those companies, including our advertisers, get themselves in a bind. I know many of these folks and it can be tough. There can be pressure, internal as well as external, to ignore something, or to say something. Sometimes, I hold off because I’m not comfortable with the facts. Other times, the facts are laid bare, for all to see, and are so obvious that my integrity would be questioned if I didn’t post an article.

Regardless if the subject is an individual or a brand, rarely am I judgemental with those in industry, even when I probably should be. I do have a habit of holding government and its officials to a higher standard though. After all, they serve the public trust and use our tax dollars.

I hear the complaints all the time about how unfair a story was, but generally, what they’re really mad about are the comments. Those are an interesting barometer of how much someone messed up and they can strike a nerve. Comments are both the strength and the weakness of social media. I do monitor them and some are deleted due to their sheer spite. Although, many are left in place, perhaps to fester. Comments is where people lose focus. They confuse comments made by semi-anonymous posters, with SSD’s position on the matter. Often, we don’t have one, or we keep it to ourselves.

Over the past month, we have published two posts in particular, which raised controversy. In neither case was there any external pressure before we published. The decision was completely mine. However, in both cases, once the stories were live, there was a great deal of pressure to alter them or delete them altogether. In both instances, we were accused of trying to ruin someone or their business. The thing is, we were just sharing the facts.  People were mad at SSD, for sharing the facts.  

The bottom line: If you get yourself in the headlines, you’re now the news, and SSD runs the news.

-Eric Graves

Post SHOT Show Followup

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

We published 110 stories Monday through Friday last week. That’s a record for us making it out busiest period ever. It also the bar for where we want SSD to be.  We’re going to hit 2016 harder than ever.  

It was a wild week and if we missed you, I apologize.  However, unlike most folks running around SHOT Show with a camera and notebook, we’ll still be publishing tomorrow, and the next day, and so on.  So feel free to follow up with us, because we’re happy to tell your story the other 360 days of the year.  


A Reminder From The Army OPSEC Office

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015


There’s Still Time To Sign Up For The Soldier Systems Digest Newsletter

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

SSD Newsletter

If you haven’t had the chance to sign up for the upcoming Soldier Systems Digest E-mail Newsletter, there’s still time! You can sign up using the registration field, directly underneath the advertising, as seen in the image above. The SSD Newsletter launches in January, so stay tuned!