TYR Tactical

Archive for the ‘Contest’ Category

Meet The DDM4 Flyaway Sweepstakes Winner (And His New Rifle)

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014


Back in August, we hosted a sweepstakes for Daniel Defense. Greg Hermann from Minnesota was selected as the winner of the DD M4 flyaway sweepstakes. Last week at the Daniel Defense headquarters in Black Creek, Georgia, Greg claimed his prize.


Greg follows several gun and tactical websites/forums and has a lot in common with other SSD readers. He is a US Army Veteran, having served for 14 years from the early 80s into the mid-90s at several duty stations, both here CONUS and in Korea. Like so many, his family is dedicated to service, with two Army Vet sons and a daughter finishing up her studies to become a chiropractor. These days, Greg makes a living as a Heavy truck/Track mechanic for Connexus Energy


But he’s not all work, and no play. Greg has started tinkering with drag racing and can be found every winter on his snowmobile. Naturally, hailing from Minnesota, Greg is also an avid outdoorsman and loves to hunt. Although his favored game is deer, he plans to take his new rifle on a varmint hunt to the Dakota Hills in search of ground hogs.


Greg Hermann is no stranger to Eugene Stoner’s brainchild. Aside from having carried the M16A1 and A2 during his military service, Greg also owns a DPMS A1 clone that he has done some modifications to over the years. But his big influence regarding ARs is his son who works part time at Element Arms, a local gun store that has made a good name for itself by specializing in the AR platform. Greg said you’ll often find him there. Interestingly, Element Arms is a Daniel Defense dealer and Greg related that when he stopped by to brag about winning the sweepstakes they were initially, begrudgingly congratulatory. Of course , it was just friendly jealousy but they quickly came around.

I asked what his buddies back home thought about his prize and he told me, “They didn’t believe it.” Guess he showed them.


Greg was able to go into the Daniel Defense rifle configurator to customize his build. When he arrived at the factory, everything was ready. Longtime DD Armorer Joe Guerin was on hand to assist Greg with his build. Over dinner we talked about the hand on portion of the day, and Greg was very impressed relating, “It was a great experience and I really appreciate the guidance I received from DD’s professional gunsmiths during the build.”


Greg spec’d his rifle out with these features:

  • 18” Cold Hammer Forged, Strength-to-Weight (S2W) Barrel, 5.56, Salt Bath Nitride Finished
  • Mid-length gas system
  • Daniel Defense Superior Suppression Device
  • M4A1 Rail Interface System (RIS II)-Black
  • A4 Upper Receiver
  • Complete BCG
  • Standard charging handle
  • Lower Receiver with flared magazine well
  • Daniel Defense Buttstock & Pistol Grip
  • Convert Grip (Black)
  • Geissele SSA Trigger
  • A1.5 Fixed Rear Sight
  • Fixed Front Sight
  • 128A3350

    Greg and I both test fired his new creation in DD’s 100m test range. That Geissele trigger was a great choice and I’m a big fan of the mid-length gas system. Greg beamed, saying it was a step up from his first AR, which he’s had for years. In fact, Greg told me, “I customized it to my specs. It is very different than any of my other rifles. In particular, the rail is a bit different than what I’ve experienced in the past. I can’t wait to get it home and zeroed.”


    All-in-all, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Greg Hermann. The Sweepstakes winner didn’t just get a chance to build a custom rifle. Greg also received a full tour of Daniel Defense facilities as well as dinner with Marty Daniel and his lovely wife Cindy. Greg told me he really enjoyed the visit. He summed the entire experience up, “I think they’re a pretty class act organization. I’m impressed with what I see and hear. These guys know what they’re doing. The proof is in the pudding.”

    Additionally, www.blueforcegear.com generously donated a Vickers Combat Applications Sling to Greg for his build.

    Greg Hermann should have picked up his new DDM4 by now. It’s a great rifle and I hope he gets a chance to take it out soon.

    Win This Hat!

    Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

    Arc’teryx LEAF has produced a new, limited edition, giveaway-only, hat made from MultiCam Tweave. The first batch went to the Special Operations Care-Fund‘s luncheon last week to raise money to pay for hyperbaric treatments for wounded Veterans. I attended the function and purchased one of the hats in order to give it away on SSD.

    hat 2

    SIG SAUER Launches Epic P320 Take-A-SHOT Contest

    Friday, November 14th, 2014

    Win a $10,000 prize package including a P320, trip to SHOT Show 2015, SIG MCX™ and SIG MPX™

    NEWINGTON, N.H. (November 14, 2014) — SIG SAUER, Inc., wants you to “Take a SHOT” at winning one of (20) P320™ Carry pistols, which will also give two lucky semi-finalists a trip to SHOT SHOW 2015 to compete at the SIG SAUER VIP Range Day for the Ultimate SIG SAUER Collection of firearms and accessories, including the brand-new SIG MCX™ and a SIG MPX™. The total prize package is valued at $10,000!


    There are two ways to enter to win on www.sigsauer.com:

    1. Sweepstakes
    Starting today, enter the P320 Take-a-SHOT Sweepstakes for a chance to win one of (10) P320 pistols. One pistol will be given away at random for 10 business days at 3:20pm from December 1, 2014 through December 12, 2014. From these ten winners, a semifinalist will be chosen at random to win the trip to SHOT Show 2015 in Las Vegas and compete at the SIG SAUER VIP Range Day for the Ultimate Grand Prize Package.

    2. Video Contest
    Starting today and running through November 30, 2014, fans can submit a creative video with the theme “The P320 is Epic Because (fill in the blank)”. From these videos, SIG SAUER will select the ten best videos and send a P320 pistol to the 10 winning contestants. The top 10 videos will be posted on December 5th, and voted on by SIG SAUER® fans thorugh December 22nd. The contestant whose video receives the most number of votes will be the second semifinalist to win the trip to SHOT Show 2015 in Las Vegas and compete at the SIG SAUER VIP Range Day for the Ultimate Grand Prize Package.

    The two semifinalists will then compete in a series of shoot-off challenges at the SIG SAUER VIP Range Day, with the winner taking home the grand prize Ultimate SIG SAUER Collection: a SIG MPX-P with a Pistol Stabilizing Brace in 9mm, a SIG MCX™ in 300BLK, an M11-A1 Flat Dark Earth pistol, an MK25 Flat Dark Earth pistol, a P226® Threaded Barrel and an M11-A1 Threaded Barrel. But that’s not all. These guns need to be fed, so SIG SAUER will throw in a case of SIG V-Crown Elite Performance 9mm JHP and Elite Performance 300BLK rifle ammunition, plus additional SIG MCX and SIG MPX magazines.

    A custom Pelican case keeps it all together, and a SIG SAUER PVC patch lets you show your pride every

    Fans can enter via both methods to double their chances at winning. For complete rules and regulations, please visit www.sigsauer.com.

    Combat Flipflops – Find Your Quiet Place – More Products Added To The Giveaway

    Wednesday, November 5th, 2014


    The Combat Flipflops – Find Your Quiet Place giveaway has just gotten bigger, including prizes from Aimpoint, Nemo Equipment, and Deliberate Dynamics. Now, the grand prize winner will receive all of the following items:

    Hodge Defense – AUD-Mod1
    SilencerCo – Saker 556 suppressor and Trifecta flash hider
    Aimpoint – Micro H-1
    Weapon Outfitters – Titanium Nitride Bolt Carrier Group
    Deliberate Dynamics – Pistol & Carbine Course
    Nemo Equipment – GALAXI™ 2P Backpacking Tent & Footprint
    Combat Flip Flops – Cashmagh
    Beyond Clothing – Alpha Jacket, Rig Softshell Jacket, and Brokk Softshell Pants
    Smith Optics – Elite Hideout

    For more information, and to enter, visit: www.combatflipflops.com/giveaways

    Impact556 – Coyote Rifleworks NFA Gun Trust Giveaway

    Monday, November 3rd, 2014


    Impact556 is giving away a Coyote Rifleworks NFA Gun Trust to one lucky winner. To enter, follow @impact556 and @coyoterifleworks on Instagram, repost the above photo using the hastag #GotTrustGAW, and tag a friend. The winner will be announced on Saturday, November 8th at 9pm Eastern by @impact556.

    Coyote Rifleworks are doing their best to enlighten the firearms community about pending legislation that will impact your rights as a law abiding gun owner. Executive Action ATF 41P seeks to put the final decision of whether a person can own an NFA firearm in the hands of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of your area. Regardless of whether or not you can pass a background check, the personal or political beliefs of the CLEO will be the deciding factor on your application. Should your CLEO decide to ignore your request or refuse for any reason, you have no recourse unless you live in 1 of only 6 states that have passed “Shall Certify” legislation.


    Pipe Hitters Union – 10-Year Anniversary Gun Giveaway

    Tuesday, October 21st, 2014


    In celebration of their 10-Year Anniversary, Pipe Hitters Union is having a giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a variety of prizes, including apparel, load carrying gear, and a knife, from the following companies:

    – Pipe Hitters Union
    – Grey Ghost Gear
    – Tactical Tailor
    – MOTUS

    Additionally, the prize pack includes a Bretheren Armament BAP 9mm pistol, styled with custom PHU cerakoting and engraving.

    For more details, and to enter, visit www.pipehittersunion.com/phu-10-year-anniversary-gun-giveaway

    Combat Flipflops – Find Your Quiet Place – THE Giveaway For The Technical Outdoorsman

    Thursday, October 16th, 2014


    Combat Flipflops is currently holding a giveaway for items that will enable one lucky winner to enjoy the outdoors and find their quiet place. Prizes include a Hodge Defense AUD-Mod1 rifle, SilencerCo Saker 556 suppressor, Weapon Outfitters BCG, and more.

    For more information, and to enter, visit combatflipflops.com/giveaways

    TYR Tactical – 100K Likes Giveaway

    Monday, October 6th, 2014


    To celebrate reaching 100k likes on Facebook, TYR Tactical is holding a free giveaway. One lucky winner will receive any one TYR Tactical product of their choice. To enter, click the link below, like the TYR Tactical Facebook page if you haven’t, and fill out the entry form. The winner will be randomly selected on Wednesday.

    Good luck!
