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Archive for the ‘Memorial’ Category

Inglorious Amateurs –  Oxcart Memorial T-Shirt Pre-Order

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

April 26 2017 marks the 55th anniversary of the maiden flight of Article 121, the first A-12 to be test flown from Project OXCART. Few aircraft have captivated the aviation community (and in this case, the intelligence community) as much as the A-12. Project Oxcart involved the classified development of the A-12 aircraft as a symbol of the successful collaboration of the Intelligence Community, the Defense Department, and private industry to create a national strategic asset that our adversaries never dreamed possible.

This Memorial Shirt shows an artistic rendering of Article 128 as it sits on display at HQS (CIA Headquarters for the uninitiated) in Langley, Virginia. The stars, larger versions of the stars on the Memorial Wall, shine brightly from the front of Article 128 as a reminder to all who see it, that the mission of the Central Intelligence Agency is not only important to our way of life but, at times, requires the ultimate sacrifice.

The Two Memorial Stars Represent:

Walter Ray: During a routine A-12 training flight on January 5, 1967, a fuel gauge failed to function properly, and the aircraft ran out of fuel only minutes before landing. The pilot, Walter Ray, ejected but was killed when he was unable to separate from the ejection seat before impact. The aircraft was completely destroyed. Its wreckage was found on January 6, and Ray’s body was recovered a day later.

Jack Weeks: The second pilot fatality in the program occurred during this drawdown. On 4 June 1968 Jack Weeks was in Article 129 on a checkout flight after an engine change for the trip to the United States. He was last heard from 520 miles east of Manila. No trace of the plane was found, and an investigation turned up no clue about the cause of the crash. Signals received about a half hour into the flight from the onboard BIRDWATCHER monitoring system indicated engine trouble; a catastrophic failure was the most likely explanation.

The back features the Inglorious Amateurs shield logo.

Professionally screened on the perfect 60/40 blend cotton/poly shirt like all our offerings. Please remember these run on the athletic side, order accordingly.

Available now as a pre-sale only, from 12 March 2017 until 31 March 2017. We expect to ship the 2nd week of April.

Rest In Peace Jim Schatz

Saturday, March 18th, 2017

Unfortunately, I have to report that Jim Schatz has passed away. He served his country as a paratrooper and later, became a legend in the small arms industry.


I first met Jim while he was at H&K. He ran one helluva a weapons demo and was extremely knowledgeable about small arms as well as the US military’s acquisition of them.

He will be missed.

Rest In Peace – LTG Hal Moore

Sunday, February 12th, 2017

We are saddened to report the passing of LTG Hal Moore (USA, Ret) on Friday evening.  LTG Moore served his country for 32 years in the United States Army with combat service in both Korea and Vietnam.  In fact, you may know his story as Batallion Commander of the 1st of the 7th Cav, deployed to Vietnam as part of the 1st Cavalry Division’s 3rd Brigade.  During the fabled Battle of Ia Drang, Moore led his unit to victory over a numerically superior enemy.  This engagement was chronicled in the book, “We were Soldiers once…and young” by Moore and journalist Joseph Galloway who witnessed the battle firsthand.  The book was made into a movie named “We Were Soldiers” starring Mel Gibson.  His accomplishments didn’t stop at that the end of that battle.  LTG Moore went on to lead several other units and institute numerous policies which were adopted Army-wide as it transitioned from compulsory service to and all-volunteer force.  

He was 94.  One could only hope for a life as full as that great leader.  May he Rest In Peace.

Peter G Kokalis – A Memorial

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

During SHOT Show, it came to our attention that Army Veteran and Gun Writer, Peter G Kokalis has passed away on January 14th. 

I first learned of Mr Kokalis as a kid, reading his reviews of weapons of war, in Soldier of Fortune magazine.  

Later, he worked for Small Arms Review.  Most recently, he was senior editor of Firearms News (formerly Shotgun News).

He definitely had an impact on my professional career as well as those of many others.  

May he Rest In Peace. 

Rest In Peace John Noveske 1976 – 2013

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

It was quite a shock to lose John Noveske in the prime of his life, on this day, four years ago. He left a family, friends, and a great legacy of excellence in firearms manufacturing. He will not be forgotten and many a pint will be tipped back in his memory today, and over the next few weeks, as those who remember him gather at SHOT Show in Las Vegas.

May he rest in peace.

Dillon Precision Founder Mike Dillon Passes Away

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

On Monday, while visiting SIG SAUER, I heard about the passing of an industry great, Mr Mike Dillon. Even if you haven’t fired one of his Miniguns, you’ve probably used one of his reloading presses. He’s touched so many lives over the years, even ones that didn’t know him. I wanted to wait until his family had dealt with the initial shock before I said anything, and then I read this fitting tribute from Dillon Precision.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mike Dillon. Mike left us on the morning of November 7th, 2016. He leaves behind a large family including wife Carol, sons Stephen and Christopher, daughter Stephanie, and 9 grandchildren. Mike’s legacy has touched the lives of countless people worldwide. He revolutionized the ammunition reloading industry and made it what it is today. Mike also redesigned and manufactured the M134 Minigun that is now in service in the United States and foreign military forces. As a passionate aviator, he worked for TWA as a 2nd officer for 13 years and later made a name for himself as a writer for Air Progress Magazine. He is recognized by some as being the one who started the warbird restoration movement in the 1960’s.

Mike’s dedication to his family, his customers, and this country was exemplary. We hope to continue the legacy that Mike Dillon worked so hard to build and we will never forget the impact that he has had on us all. We take comfort knowing he is flying in the blue skies of heaven above.

During the coming months we will be adding an archive of Mike’s articles, videos, and photographs to this site. Just follow our Facebook page, we’ll post the content there when we upload it here, and you will be able to stay abreast of each addition as we incorporate it into the site.

May he Rest In Peace.

Major Tom Greer – “An American Warrior”

Monday, October 31st, 2016

You may have known him by his pen name, Dalton Fury. But in life, he was known as Tom Greer. Not long ago, we told you that Tom had terminal pancreatic cancer. I’m sorry to say that he recently passed away from cancer at age 52.

He wrote the book, “Killing Bin Ladin” about his time as an Army officer in Delta, and also created a series of fiction fearuring ex-Delta Operator Kolt Raynor. I think there was a lot of Tom in Kolt.

He was a great man, both in and out of uniform. He would often travel to Atlanta’s Hartsfield International airport near his home to give copies of his books to service members and that was the majority of my interaction with him. I sent him copies of his books to hand out. I supported his work via SSD, and exchanged notes. I’m very sorry to see him taken so young. He’s a man who still had a lot to offer the world.

He will be missed.

Initially, I didn’t want to post about his passing, not wanting it to be a spectacle. Even though he had written several nooks, he was not a public man and I’m not sure that anything I could say would properly honor the man. Then, his brother CSM Steve Greer, shared this video memorial to Tom, so my feelings changed on the subject. It’s solemn and I found it a very fitting tribute.

Rest In Peace

Hurlburt Field Unveils Special Tactics Memorial

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016

Last week, AFSOC added a statue of a Special Tactics Operator to the memorial park at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Considering the 24th SOW is a major portion of AFSOC’s combat power, and Special Tactics Airmen have been instrumental in the joint fight, its about time their contributions are recognized.

Special Tactics, the Air Force’s ground special operations force, has been engaged in every major conflict since 9/11, continuously deployed for more than 5,000 days to more than 73 locations. As a result of their actions in combat, the Special Tactics community has earned the highest number of valorous medals in the Air Force since the Vietnam War.

In the last 40 years, only ten Airmen have received the Air Force Cross, the service’s highest medal it can bestow for valor in combat. Eight of those recipients were Special Tactics Airmen.

Beside the statue are two plaques which include the names of those Airmen who have earned the Air Cross Cross as well as the 8 ST operators who have fallen in training and the 19 who perished in action.

In true Special Tactics fashion, the dedication ceremony ended with memorial pushups.

Photos courtesy of North American Rescue.