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Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category

Cookies For The End Of The World

Friday, September 7th, 2012


Oreo Mayan Edition

Tools For The End Of The World

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012


The 2012 RMJ Tactical challenge coin.

Ruckin’ 4 Life – Help Him Raise Money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Stephen Jensen, an Air Force Medic who’s just returned from a year long tour in Afghanistan has decided to devote his rest and relaxation to raising money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. His plan is to ruck the Air Force Half Marathon while wearing a full combat load out He is doing this to raise awareness and money for our wounded Veteran’s of the Special Operations Community.

He’s only trying to raise $1000 so it would be great to help him meet his goal.

To learn more visit

S&S Precision Skateboard

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

When I stopped by S&S Precision yesterday to pick up my new Plate Frame I spotted something up against the wall in their show room area. I thought you guys might be interested in seeing it. S&S Precision never ceases to amaze me.

…Because It’s More Than Gear!

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012


Germany’s Sierra-313 takes advertising to a new level…

A Dr Drake Action Figure?

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012


Ok, so it’s not quite what we expected either but CI Boys along with Mad Rabbit in conjunction with Magpul PTS has created a line of Magpul inspired figures. All of your favorites are there including Dr Drake as well as Bag Man and both Pink Fluffy and White Bunnies.

The Observation Post

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012


If you love “gun camera” footage as much as I do then you are going to love The Observation Post. It’s a new website that posts daily firepower videos. You’ll see it all there, armored vehicles, infantry in contact, SOF operations, Gunship footage and UAV feeds.

It is now part of my daily Internet ritual and I recommend you check it out as well. You won’t be disappointed.

‘Tilt-Shift Vol. 1: The Quiet Profession’ On Kickstarter

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

‘Tilt-Shift Vol. 1: The Quite Profession’ is a graphic novel written by Jose Torres-Cooban with art by Joshua Hood. The 12-issue series details a first-hand account of the actions of Team Galahad through the eyes of combat photographer Specialist Freddie Blythe. The purpose of the series is to shift perspective on the Global War On Terror to those fighting on the front lines and promises to be the closest thing to the full Special Operations experience found in any medium, being written by actual Special Operations combat veterans.

Tilt-Shift is currently up for funding on Kickstarter.

Tilt-Shift also has a Facebook page.