SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category

Everybody Hates King Joffrey

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Check out the King Joffrey Target from Red Bubble. It’s really art rather than a true target but it is pretty funny.

Thanks WBY

VIPER Gets Political Fighting for Veteran’s Jobs

Monday, May 28th, 2012

We’ve mentioned VIPER before. The Veterans Industry Program for Employment Reintegration is a charity sponsored by S.O.Tech and it found itself center stage this last week at Los Angeles’ City Hall. LA was voting to become the largest city in the US to ban single use plastic bags. This is a move which was vehemently opposed by plastics industry lobbyists. One of their main counter arguments was that American plastics jobs would be lost. Interestingly, VIPER’s Vets were called to the microphone to talk about the jobs that have already been gained in their sewing program, Green Vets Los Angeles. GVLA is a program of the VIPER non-profit set up to sew reusable cloth shopping bags. Most of the work is accomplished at their facility right in the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital. VIPER Founder Jim Cragg said the program was originally set up for Vets to sew and assemble medical kits for troops going into harm’s way as a tool to help them feel that they were once again serving society, and that working on bags to save the environment was a logical move to help the vets continue to serve their community while rejoining the work force. The bags are assembled from recycled materials and have been a big hit across the LA area. In an environment that many would call liberal, Veterans have found a way to go back to work and make a difference by working in harmony with the local economy. Good on Green Vets LA and VIPER.

New Patches from Mil-Spec Monkey

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Mil-SPec Monkey has intoduced a whole slew of new products including Stay Classy, RedBackOne Logo in 2 sizes, Goodguy, Instructor Patch, 2-Assterisk, Pegasus Unicorn and Modular Face set as well as Classic Snap Shackles.

Industry Newcomer SERKET to Sponsor Richard D Winters Leadership Monument Project

Monday, May 28th, 2012

SERKET President Trey Harris chats with Easy Company veteran Al Mampre at a WWII Foundation Panel Discussion (April 2012).SERKET, a newcomer to the market, specializing in technical apparel solutions, has partnered with the World War II Foundation to dedicate a memorial in Normandy, France recognizing Major Richard D. Winters, the leadership principles he embodied and all of the American Soldiers who served during the Normandy phase of Operation Overlord.

Profiled in Steven Ambrose’s renowned best seller and the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, Major Dick Winters is most famous for his time as commander of Company “E”, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, during World War II.

Commissioned by the World War II Foundation and designed by internationally renowned sculptor Stephen Spears, the monument will be presented by SERKET on June 6, 2012 in Normandy (Sainte-Marie-du Mont) recognizing Major Richard D. Winters and all the American Army divisions and corps during the Normandy phase of Operation Overlord. Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, Governor Tom Ridge and WWII Foundation President Tim Gray will host the dedication ceremony in Normandy.

The World War II Foundation is accepting donations from those who would like to help cover the travel expenses of members of Easy Company Veterans who would like to attend the dedication in Normandy next month.


“We are honored to have the opportunity to support the World War II Foundation’s efforts to pay homage to Dick Winters, one of America’s great heroes, and all the Americans who served to protect freedom during World War II,” said SERKET President Trey Harris. “The work they are doing is essential to making sure that we not only remember the lessons of heroism, honor and sacrifice learned from World War II but we are also able to pass those lessons on to future generations of Americans.”

NRA Life of Duty Memorial Day Message

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Memorial Day

Monday, May 28th, 2012

I’ve been reading for days about Memorial Day. Well, it’s finally here so it’s time that I talk about it. All I’d like everyone to do is to take a moment of silence at Noon today and honor those who’ve gone before us. We’ve lost a lot of brothers and sisters over the years who put ‘Us’ ahead of ‘Them.’ They deserve at least a moment of our time.

German Morale Patches

Saturday, May 26th, 2012

US troops aren’t the only ones with a sense of humor.


This is from the Thursday issue of the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin.

Now That’s Dedication

Sunday, May 20th, 2012


Looks Great Pete!