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B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc. Exhibiting at Strike Challenge Domestic Capabilities and Specialized Response Equipment Demonstration

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

August 14th, 2017 (Redmond, WA) –

Strike Challenge

B.E. Meyers & Co. will be exhibiting at the Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) “Strike Challenge 2017” this week. The event will be held at the Camp Rilea Armed Forces Training Center in Warrenton, Oregon, August 15-17.

Strike Challenge will feature product demonstrations of several B.E. Meyers & Co. products including a demonstration of the MAWL-DA at the Camp Rilea MOUT site.

To connect with the B.E. Meyers & Co. team for a personal demonstration, please contact us at

Strike Challenge affords U.S. industry the opportunity to present current and evolving domestic operations (DOMOPS) capabilities and specialized response equipment/systems. The event encompasses tactile interactive demonstration of equipment specifically designed for emergency response, survivability, security, search and rescue and special operations mission sets.

For more information about Strike Challenge, please visit: