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Posts Tagged ‘Barrel Blok’

NRA – Barrel Blok

Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

Barrel Blok is a firearms safety device, designed to allow the use of standard firearms in close quarter training situations such as grappling and arrest procedures. It is inserted into the chamber and out through the barrel and completely blocks the chamber. Additionally, there is a cap for the magazine so that no rounds can be inserted.

Although the Barrel Blok comes in a long length, the plastic, flexible rod construction is intended to extend 1/2″ past the end of the barrel once fully seated in the chamber. The user clips the end of the Barrel Blok based on the firearm it is used with. This length allows it to be used with most any holster. The high visibility orange color also makes it easy to verify by instructors as well as other trainees that the barrel is blocked.  

Additionally, the device has other features that facilitate realistic training.  It is designed to engage the pistol’s extractor so the slide must be sufficiently racked and the material works as a firing pin strike face.  

They’ve also just launched a version for rifles.

The design is the same, it’s longer to accommodate the increased barrel length, although, it’s important to mention that Barrel Bloks are not one-size-fits-all. Rather, they are offered in different calibers do that you get a sealed chamber.  In the image below, the Barrel Blok is not seated completely.