
Posts Tagged ‘Black Powder Red Earth’

Black Powder \\ Red Earth – Revised Volume 1 Edition Now Available

Friday, July 25th, 2014

A revised edition of Black Powder \\ Red Earth Volume 1 is now available. Changes include re-inked art, revised dialogue, and an appendix of terms for those who found the jargon hard to follow. You can get it on Amazon here.

BPRE at the NY Comic-Con

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012


The hit graphic novel Black Powder Red Earth is on hand at the New York Comic-Con.

Black Powder Red Earth Volume 4 Available Now

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

The plot of this epic graphic novel is simple, “Special operations contractors, backed by Saudi petrodollars, wage a war of ruthless intrigue and clandestine violence against Iranian proxies and agents in the post-Iraq state, Basran.” But in this final volume, the “Black Powder Red Earth” story culminates in a 4 hour capture-kill raid as the Cold Harbor raiders hunt down an Iranian HVT responsible for the IRGC WMD program.

Volume 4 is available through

Black Powder Red Earth V3 Available – Get Yours

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Black Powder Red Earth is a great series of graphic novels. They’ve combined a well researched story line with art that reflects the environment, both physically and politically, that the characters find themselves in. Described as, “Special operations contractors, backed by Saudi petrodollars, wage a war of ruthless intrigue and clandestine violence against Iranian proxies and agents in the post-Iraq state, Basran,” it’s believable. And that makes it worth the read.

Black Powder Red Earth V3 is now available through Amazon.

Black Powder Red Earth T-Shirt Now Available

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Available in Small – XXLarge, this graphic T captures the essence of the graphic novel ‘Black Powder Red Earth’ with a full frontal panel with additional printing on the sleeve and back. BPRE has attained a cult-like following through a combination of a distinctive visual style and an excruciatingly researched storyline that creates a world so real you can feel yourself living it. Combat Veterans too appreciate the realism depicted in the vignettes that are based on real world events. Show your support.

Black Powder Red Earth Vol 3

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Volume 3 of the groundbreaking graphic novel series “Black Powder, Red Earth” is now available. The story follows several factions and their hired guns in a near future Iraq, dominated by foreign intrigue. An amazing amount of research went into the development of this story and the future it takes place in.

Get yours at

Black Powder Red Earth 2 available on Amazon

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Volume 2 of Black Powder Red Earth is out and available on As we’ve reported before, BPRE has been described as “Syriana meets Blackhawk Down”, though you won’t really get the full effect of that until the series is complete. (It was written and plotted in a cinematic fashion, so each successive issue will be faster paced and more dynamic than the one before.)

Jon Chang of Echelon Software is one of the creators of BPRE, and helped design the Facebook game of the same name. “The Facebook game was the first project, then the graphic novel,” he advises. “What’s interesting is that a lot of what you see in those first installments, events we wrote as likely, has occurred. It was originally projected theoretically, now it’s really happened. This is hard military fiction…there’s no overtly heroic actions or larger than life stuff, it’s as close as we can get to the complexities of what day to day operations are like in southern Iraq. So there’s a really realistic angle, it’s a compelling piece of work because it’s so believable and so accurate..”

The writing and artwork are excellent. You should consider checking it out.

You can check up on BPRE developments on their Facebook page or watch their homepage if you’d like.

Read BPRE Vol 2 For Free*

Monday, December 26th, 2011

If you have a Kindle, Amazon is offering Echelon Software’s “Black Powder Red Earth” issue Vol 2 free of charge (*for Amazon Prime members). No idea how long this deal is going to last so we suggest you take advantage sooner rather than later. Written by the collaborative team of Jon Chang (Author), Kane Smith (Author), Josh Taylor (Illustrator), BPRE is a graphic novel unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Meticulously researched, it creates a near-future filled with intrigue and corporations and regional actors relying on hired guns who cut their teeth in the Second Gulf War. Described by some as “Blackhawk Down meets Syriana” the action begins to really pick up in Vol 2.