
Posts Tagged ‘Blank Safe’

Blank Safe Live Round Interrupter

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

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The BlankSafe is a Live Round Interrupter intended to stop live rounds from fully chambering during training scenarios where blank rounds are in use. The BlankSafe LRI was developed by two US Navy SEALs who had personally witnessed multiple incidents where personnel under training conditions mistakenly loaded a live round during training. The LRI seats within the chamber of a rifle, allowing blank rounds to load and fire, however stopping live rounds from fully chambering.

live vs blank

The LRI causes a .27″ interrupt distance within the firing chain of an M4 rifle when a live round is loaded, preventing the weapon from firing.

Below is the White Paper for the BlankSafe LRI:

LRI White Paper

Click to view .pdf

For more information, and to see videos of the BlankSafe Life Round Interrupter in action, visit