
Posts Tagged ‘Blur Media’

Blur Media – EXFIL

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

Last year, we featured the visual concept video ‘End of Negotiation’ by Blur Media, in association with HHK (Hestehovkompaniet). They’ve released another video in the same vein, again in collaboration with HHK. Before anyone mentions it, yes, HHK are airsofters. However, they’re also all former or current soldiers, and the cinematography is cool, so don’t let that detract from the video.

End Of Negotiation

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

End of Negotiation from BLUR MEDIA on Vimeo.

End of Negotiation is a visual concept video that was produced by Blur Media in association with HHK (Hestehovkompaniet). Check it out, it’s pretty cool.