TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Boy Scouts of America’

I’m Off Attending Scout Leader Training This Weekend

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

This is the first time in several years that I will be away from the site for any measurable amount of time. It’s a necessary evil if I am to complete Woodbadge training for the Boy Scouts of America. By the time you read this I will have been gone for over a day. While I’m out, enjoy these classic articles from our archive of over 5,000 posts. You can start by watching this commercial that I used to see as a kid. To me, that was Scouting.

I grew up with Scouting and obviously I had great parents since they gave me the opportunity to join Scouts, first as a Cub and later as a Boy Scout and Explorer. The experience left a lifelong impression on me. “Be Prepared” is more than just Scouting’s motto. Today, it seems to be a lost art. As an adult I apply the skills I learned in Scouting everyday. Once, when I was home on leave from the service I was able to visit my old Scout Troop and tell them that I had a job where I applied the field living and survival skills I learned as a kid in my job. I didn’t watch someone else do those things on The Discovery Channel, or watch a Youtube video of some guy starting a fire. Rather I learned how to live in the wild with my own two hands. That’s something that’s missing from most children’s lives; hands on, outdoor living. So this is a plug for Scouting. If you have kids yourself, or young relatives, or even friend’s children, get them involved in Scouting. Boys and Girls both. They are great programs that get them outside and learning how to do things; to live and love the outdoors. In addition to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts has Explorer and Venture programs for teenage girls. I mean, hey, they are 100 years old, they must be doing something right.



BSA Survival Bracelets

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

During a recent trip to the Scout Shop, I saw a display of survival bracelets. Granted, you can pick these up virtually anywhere. What’s made these stick out was that the buckle is embossed with the Boy Scouts of America. Made by Bison Designs these are available exclusively from the BSA and some of the proceeds go to “Wounded Veterans.”
