
Posts Tagged ‘Bullseye Camera Systems’

GSM Outdoors Acquires Bullseye Camera Systems

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

Grand Prairie, TX – May, 2017 – GSM Outdoors, an industry leader in outdoor related products and accessories announces their acquisition of Bullseye Camera Systems, maker of long range target cameras.


Bullseye Cam currently offers two models of target cameras. Their “Sight In” model features 300 yard range, while their “Long Range” model reaches out to a mile with direct line of sight. What is most unique about Bullseye Camera is their proprietary software that allows the user to easily reference their last shot as it blinks on your screen, as well as mark and track your shot sequence. Additional features include live recording, measuring your groups, calculating adjustments, grid overlay and head to head gaming mode against other shooters. The days of requiring a spotting scope/spotter are a thing of the past, bring the target to you right on your phone, tablet, or computer screen without having to squint to see your shots.


Bullseye Cam will be the first acquisition under GSM that launches the start of a new organic brand called Shooting Made Easy (SME) and will be referred to as Bullseye cam by SME. Bullseye Cam has undergone a new logo and packaging design that will bring a better overall customer experience to retail.

“The acquisition of Bullseye Cam could not have come at a better time”, states Eddie Castro, CEO of GSM, “Not only does this fit perfectly under GSM’s umbrella and go hand in hand with our current shooting accessories under Walkers and SSI, but the market place for long range shooting is exploding”.

“We are really excited to launch Shooting Made Easy (SME) with the Bullseye Camera systems”, states Ben Smith, Director of Sales and Marketing of GSM. “In addition to Bullseye Cameras being extremely helpful during the sight in process, they bring a new level of excitement to the shooting sports with all of their other in app features”.

For more information on Bullseye Camera Systems and to watch video tutorial, visit