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Posts Tagged ‘Chrome’

Chrome Custom Military Salvage Program

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012


Now through June 30th, Chrome honors US Military personnel by inviting Veterans and their families to bring their military duffles or fatigues to one of Chrome’s four HUB locations in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Portland. Chrome bag makers will use this material to create a Custom Citizen Messenger bag for the cost of a regular Citizen Messenger bag.


This Custom Salvage Citizen was built last year for Army Veteran Jared Morford of Watertown, South Dakota from the duffle he carried to Iraq.

Hit up a HUB near you for more information:

San Francisco at SFHUB@chromebags.com
Portland at PDXHUB@chromebags.com
Chicago at CHIHUB@chromebags.com
New York City at NYCHUB@chromebags.com
