RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘Corps Strength’

Corps Strength – The Never Say Die “Myths Of Fitness”

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

fitness myth

Recently I came across a an article in a popular monthly magazine about the top ten “Myths” of fitness. Some of their list I agreed with, some I didn’t, but I found it an interesting article. In any case it got my brain working on what were some the biggest fitness myths, I that I encounter almost daily as a trainer? There were many that came to mind, but here are a few stubborn ones that I’ve heard a lot over many years. I have to say up font these are my own opinion, based on my personal experience, first hand observation and research over many years and I’ll be the first to say I don’t know everything about fitness, and I’m glad to be learning all the time, but some things I do know, as I learned them the way most Marines do, the hard way.

#1 There is one single best exercise, False. To be in superb overall physical condition you need a balance of strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility and muscular endurance. No single exercise can provide this. Just swimming, running, or lifting weights alone won’t get it. People wrongly tend to think what their good at is best, but balance is the key to true overall conditioning.

#2 You need to take dietary supplements, False. The fact is if you eat real food in the right amounts you’ll get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need for optimum health. I do recommend that everyone take a simple multi-vitamin as an insurance measure against not always eating a well balanced diet, other than that, IMO it’s just a waste of money. Extra vitamins or protein will not provide any real benefits unless you are deficient in that particular nutrient. The bottom line is that if your body doesn’t need it, it won’t use it. People can (and will) argue over this one forever, but I have witnessed first hand untold amounts of money spent by Marines and others on expensive supplements, (over many years) and have seen very, very little (if any) benefit from the vast majority of them. Other than the supplement industry, which is cleaning up to the the tune of about 30 billion a year it does nothing in the vast majority of cases but end up in our sewer system. Ask yourself a simple question; With more people taking more supplements than ever before, why is are more Americans overweight, sick and out of shape than ever before?

#3 You have to lift heavy weights to be strong, False. I have lifted weights for most of my adult life. I have competed in olympic and powerlifting competitions and have lifted some pretty heavy weights over the years. However other than for actual lifting competitions, or for sports like football and bodybuilding, lifting heavy weights is not needed to develop real world useful strength. In fact I think lifting very heavy weights, (more than your bodyweight) is not worth the injuries that are sure to come from it. Doesn’t mean training with weights isn’t beneficial to develop strength, it is, but bench pressing 300 lbs (which I’ve done) isn’t particularly useful. In comparison 50 lbs sounds light? However put that 50 lbs it in a pack and hump it 20 miles up and down some hills and you’ll see the difference in real world fitness I’m getting at here.

#4 Running will eventually damage your joints, especially your knees, False. Its been proven that distance runners have some of the healthiest strongest bones and joints of all athletes. Most of the people I’ve seen with knee problems are people who don’t run (or exercise ) at all and are overweight. I have been running almost daily since I was about 12 years old and have never had any knee issues. Not that I haven’t injured myself once and awhile over the years when running, I have. I just don’t think that following an intelligent program of running while wearing wearing properly fitting running shoes will cause knee problems, and honestly. its sounds more like just an excuse not to run than anything else.

#5 Staying in shape and maintaining a healthy bodyweight weight is extremely hard thing to do, about impossible if you are a busy person, especially as you get older. It takes 24/7 discipline, hours of daily exercise (in an expensive gym), and a monk like diet that requires special expensive foods. This one is completely false, actually it’s beyond that, it’s total bullshit. A balanced workout routine of 3-5 hours a week, combined with a commonsense eating plan and average “Adult” level discipline can yield not only good, but great fitness and health. Like most things that are worth having, people make this much harder than it really is. Check out my book Corps Strength for how to do it, no drama, no BS, just results. Try it.

Have a safe and happy holiday season

Semper Fi



Corps Strength – The Long Run

Saturday, November 8th, 2014

As a career Marine who has now been retired from active duty for over five years, I find myself taking a somewhat clearer perspective of my military experience. No, I’m not talking about rewriting history (like many do), what I mean is looking at things with a longer view. That includes many different areas; the people you served with, the deployments forward, mistakes made and successes gained. One way or the other, all these things look different in your rear view. Fitness and health are different.


As a lifelong, self confessed “PT freak” this is something that I’m sure I’ve studied much more than most. Way back in the dark ages when I came in (1981) the PT program was much different that the “scientific” programs you see in the military today. I think just being a hard ass was more of a priority than actual fitness back then. Over the years that attitude has changed and has shifted more towards actual physical ability, to include better health. Just for one example look at smoking. When I came in everyone smoked, and they smoked just about everywhere. Needless to say those days are gone and the overall health of our military members are better because of it.

On thing that illustrates in a real way is some of the lifelong Marine buddies that I’ve know for over 30 years. Now while many of these guys could out PT me on their worst day when we were in our early 20’s, now sadly, many are now in poor health. Many are very overweight, and have some serious health issues. I’m not talking about battle wounds or injury for the most part here. Just the result of their day to day habits over many years. Eating and drinking to excess, smoking, stress and lack of exercise.

Look, I’m not trying to lecture anyone about how to live your life. It’s a free country and if you’re not hurting anyone else, or breaking the law, have at it I say. What I’m getting at here is that I don’t think that you are doomed to poor health and fitness just because you are getting older, and/or have retired from active duty. You don’t. I know this from my own personal experience and many years of first hand observation. All it really takes is a program of moderate, consistent effort in PT and a little discipline in your personal life. These are not that hard and yield positive benefits in your life that are almost too good to measure, especially in the long run.

I wrote my book “Corps Strength” in 2010. But I’ve been pretty much have been following that same PT program for about 25 years. Does it work? Better yet does it work long term? Note the picture below. These two pictures were taken 18 years apart. Both at the Marine Corps Marathon (1996 and 2014). Now I will admit I can’t run as fast as that hard headed Jarhead on the left, but I still run pretty good at 54, and and you can too, and that my friends is the point. Take care and be safe.

Semper Fi



Corps Strength – A Little Shame with the Game

Saturday, September 27th, 2014

Here at the International Training Center we prepare foreign military personnel to attend follow on training in many U.S. military schools. We run prep classes for many different schools. Everything from Aviation to BUDS, EOD, dive school, Marine TBS, and lots of different technical schools. As you could guess the physical training we do varies widely, depending on what the follow on school is. However, the biggest hurdle we face with preparing these people isn’t running or pull-ups, it’s getting their heads in the game.

If you’ve never trained any international military people, let me sum it all up for you in a simple sentence; They’re not in the American military. This doesn’t mean they aren’t smart and/or courageous. Nor does it mean they are all overweight and out of shape. I’ve known (a few) that were some very tough bastards, who could out fight, and PT the average U.S. military member into the ground. What I’m talking about here is getting the majority of them to understand why we (as the American military), think that being overweight and out of shape is a bad thing.

For us it’s simple to understand; A high level of physical fitness is absolutely required to prepare our people for combat, and a trim physically fit leader sets the right example to his people. Trying to explain this obvious concept to some other militaries can be unbelievably frustrating sometimes. Some get it, many don’t. I recently had a Lt. (I won’t mention his country) tell me that he wasn’t worried that he couldn’t do a single pull-up, because he would soon be promoted to Capt, and nobody expects a Capt to PT? Really? I asked him wouldn’t you feel like a wimp that you can’t do a pull-up, ESPECIALLY as a officer? He looked at me like I was crazy?

I bring this all up to illustrate a simple point. Without any shame in the game it’s hard to motivate people to get in shape. The same thing goes for the civilian world. As our country has become more overweight and sickly (check the growing rates of diabetes, and obesity), there is also a new requirement to be more politically correct and nice about how we speak about this. When I came in the Marine Corps in 1981, overweight people were referred to by everyone as: “Fat Bodies”. I guess that was insulting, and frankly meant to be so to get people off their ass, and get in shape. Try calling somebody that today and watch what happens?

Of course it’s not because they eat fast food like they’re possessed, and shine a chair with their butt 24/7 playing video games. It’s due to stress, hormones, gluten, carbs, or maybe even a bad childhood? Give me a break please, I know better. People need to wake up, as we are headed for a crisis in this county, both physically and financially with the worsening health of our population (note the chart below). However we’re supposed to all feel better about being overweight and just accept it. Otherwise your being a judgmental dick? Well I for one think a little shame could go a long way. Just the Master Gunny in me I guess, but to me a fat body is still a fat body, and if you can’t do a single pull-up, you shouldn’t be in a leadership position. Sorry.
Be safe always, good when you can.


Semper Fi

Corps Strength – Prep Yourself

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

While I haven’t watched all of the “Prepper” reality shows that are all over cable TV nowadays, I’ll admit, I’ve watched my share. It’s a mindless guilty pleasure for me. Much of it seems staged for TV, but some of the people do seem sincere? I find it interesting (and funny) to see what some people are up to, but in any case as a Marine I do believe in being prepared. No, I don’t mean prepping for a Zombie Apocalypse, Alien invasion or an Illuminati takeover. I mean something that happens in the real world people, like having to evacuate due to a hurricane, living off the grid if you lose power/water and being ready to defend your property and family during civil unrest. These things I’m 100% ready for. Ready with the necessary supplies, a plan and I’m PHYSICALLY ready.

I emphasis that last part, because as one thing you see 90% of the time when you watch a prepper show is how way out of shape most of these people are? To be fair, not everyone, but the vast majority seem they’re more prepared to assault the buffet at Golden Corral, than deal with any real threat. Nothing personal, but It just seems silly to me that people would spend untold amounts of time and money on buying weapons, ammo, gold, storing food and water, etc, but don’t take a minute to maintain themselves in decent physical condition. So what you say? I mean if you have weapons, and can shoot, who cares? You may not care either, but I know better. Being out of shape in one of these situations can be a real problem, not just for you, but for those around you.

Over the years I’ve seen many people operate in harms way. Our military forces, contractors and internationals overseas, and people trying to deal with some serious natural disasters here in the states. Harsh conditions and high stress combined with very little sleep will beat your ass down like a five cell mag light. IMO no amount of weapons or dried food will help you deal with that stress better than just being in good physical condition. Being in good shape will help you stay mentally on point also. I’ve seen people in poor condition quickly become a burden to others in these situations. Look what happened to many people during and after Katrina? I’m not talking about special forces level fitness here (which couldn’t hurt), but just basic good condition, with a healthy bodyweight. That is especially true if you’re a first responder and have to work 24/7 helping others.


In my book Corps Strength I lay out a proven and effective PT program that will get (and keep) you in great physical shape. That’s without a big time investment, or any special equipment or foods. Actually it’s the perfect plan for someone of the prepper mindset, which is to be prepared. My simple point is that before you spend all your spare cash on another 1000 rounds of 5.56 or a box of Mountain House, prep yourself first. Get in shape, get your weight right and it will probably be the useful prepping you’ll ever do. Plus if the Zombies do show up, you’ll be able to out run them.

Be safe always, good when you can.

Semper Fi



Corps Strength – Age Is Not A Number

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

It was a typical summer night recently as myself and a group of friends and family sat around enjoying some great local beer. As it often seems to do with any group of people over 40 nowadays, the conversation turned to a rundown of everyone’s current health issues. These ranged from chronic back, foot, knee and neck pain to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, high blood sugar, kidney problem’s, surgeries and all the various medications everyone’s on. After quite awhile of this medical “seminar”, a long time friend and career firemen turned to me and asked, “PJ, what about you?” During this I hadn’t said much of anything (rare for me). I answered honestly; “I’m fine I don’t have anything going on.” That drew blank (and kind of pissed) looks from everyone. “Well,” my cousin said, “He wouldn’t admit it if he had a problem.” That seemed to set everyone at ease that I couldn’t really be that healthy, It was that I just wasn’t admitting it? Yeah Ok.

The fact is at age 54 I don’t have any real health issues (knock on my wooden head), never have. Other than some bent up feet from years of Marine Corps life, nothing. Why? Luck? Good genes? Some of both I’m sure, but I have to believe that working hard at staying in shape all my life had something to do with it. Make no mistake, I’m no saint: I drank my share of beer, and experienced all the stress, lack of sleep and hard work that anyone will experience during a long military career. The difference was that I never really let myself go, never threw the age or rank card, I just kept going. At times I was ridiculed for PTing on the ship, or when we were traveling, on liberty or deployed forward. The fact is I still get this from people my age; “Slow down, what are you trying to prove?” “Your not on active duty any more.”

That’s right I’m not active duty anymore, I don’t have to pass a PFT or a weigh in (though I could easily) but the fact is I still have to live, and to live the way I want to, I need great health and real fitness. The point of all this? To make a simple, but important observation; to achieve and maintain health and fitness takes a long term commitment, and it doesn’t stop at a certain age, when you graduate college, retire from the military, or even when you sign up for social security. It’s an everyday, life long habit.

Yes, I know, we all are going to get old, and sick at some point, that’s life, and none of us will escape it. However with some consistent effort and a little discipline in your life, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, fit body for a long, long time, and this doesn’t take a lot of time when you get down to it either. In my book “Corps Strength” I lay out a simple and proven effective fitness plan that takes no more than about five hours a week, and can been used by anyone of any age to get and stay in great shape. It’s never too late to start. Its my plan to stay in the best possible shape until the day they plant my ass, and it doesn’t include any time for sitting round and talking about my health issues. What about your plan? Take care and be safe.

Semper Fi



Corps Strength – The Mirror Man

Saturday, June 14th, 2014

The other day at the schoolhouse, I had a student (mid level Naval officer), approach me for some advice on how to lose some weight. He wasn’t really overweight, but he wanted to shed a few pounds before summer. When I questioned him about his present routine, he gave me the typical international PT program of mostly soccer, and a little calisthenics. My simple advice was that he probably just needed to up his cardio a little. More soccer, or even better; do some running. I told him that would be the quickest way to drop the extra pounds he wanted. Well you would’ve thought I’d suggested he run a marathon everyday? “Oh no, I hate running!” He then added with a look of true horror. “I don’t want to get too skinny, and look like one of those African runners!” This was funny coming from him, as he looks like a typical middle aged white guy? Like an Eastern European version of Alan Bundy.

Corps Strength - Mirror Man

However I really wasn’t surprised by all this, as I’ve heard this type of reaction before. No, not about African runners, but the weird fear that many people have toward certain types of exercise, and what it will do to them. When it comes to PT people almost always tend to do what their good at, and avoid what their weak in. Meaning good runners like to run, not lift weights and visa versa. It’s human nature, and that’s fine if that’s what you’re happy with, and you don’t have an occupational requirement otherwise. I used to see this all the time in the Marine Corps; Great runners that can’t hump a pack, or climb a rope, and on the other end of it, big super strong guys that can’t meet the weight standards, or run very well. The solutions to these weaknesses may seem obvious, but suggest to a hardcore weight lifter that he needs more running, and to eat less chow to lose weight and he’ll look at you, like you have two heads. A skinny person will tell you; “I don’t want to lift weights, I don’t want to get too big.” While it sounds silly, these weird attitudes are common. Like the picture below, people don’t always see what’s really looking back at them in the mirror. Especially someone who was once overweight, or a small kid, its hard for them to see beyond that mental image and that in turn can lead to problems.

I have a good Marine buddy who is big into the weights, he is a decent runner also, but he had once failed a weigh in and was put on weight control. This put his future career as a Marine in serious jeopardy. I told him more than once that he needed to pull his head out of his ass on this issue, but he had this powerful fear (he would never admit it, but it was obvious) of reverting to the skinny kid he once was in HS. Which was ridiculous, as he was a tank at about 230lbs. After many years of this nonsense he came up for promotion to Gunnery Sergeant. He was very worried that he would be passed over because of his history of weight issues. Using a potential promotion as motivation, he finally bore down on his diet, and increased his running. Over about four months he lost over 30lbs, however his PFT score improved to a 290, (out of a possible 300), AND his weight lifting didn’t suffer in any noticeable way. He was a Fing beast at about 5′ 9” and 195lbs (12% body fat). He was still pushing almost 400 on the bench press, looked great in uniform and got selected for promotion. After which, even he had to admit he looked and preformed much better at 195lbs, than he did at 230. Getting him to realize that he needed some balance in his fitness routine was 100% mental. He had to see what was really in the mirror.

The bottom line is for your best overall fitness, round out your routine and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone to do it. In the end life is about maintaining a balance, and IMO the same thing is true about your PT. In my book Corps Strength I always preach for a balanced approach to fitness, which will require many different types of exercise to achieve. You may not look like Mr Olympia, or run like an African track star, but in the end you’ll preform at YOUR overall best. Try it.

Semper Fi



Corps Strength – Fitness And First Responders

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

Firefighters in action2 (640x480)

Recently I had a good friend go through a serious health crisis. This is a buddy that I’ve known since the 2nd grade and when I joined the Marine Corps, he became a firefighter. As I came up the ranks, he did also. Eventually he became a Battalion Chief in our city’s fire dept. Now my friend was an athlete in HS, but as he got older he rarely did any serious PT, nor did he watch his weight. He wasn’t a smoker, or seriously overweight, but one day not to long ago he went in for some minor chest pains and it was found that he had a seriously damaged heart value. In fact it was so serious, that he had to immediately have major open heart surgery and was medically retired from the fire dept. Within a few weeks, his career as a firefighter was over at age 54.

His family had no known history of this type of problem, but sadly his occupation does. When I was doing research for my book “Corps Strength”, I consulted many friends I had in Law Enforcement and Firefighters about their physical fitness needs, and I was surprised to find out that more firefighters died on duty from heart attacks than from any other reason. The life of a firefighter is hard, not just in the fact that they may be burned, suffocated or have a structure fall on them, but from the irregular work shift and sleep patterns, and the constant instant stress (alarm mentality) when responding to fire calls. If you combine that with being out of shape over many years, can cause serious physical issues, like my friend is dealing with now. I’m not a doctor, and I’m not trying to preach like one. However I do believe that a simple, consistent routine of balanced physical training, and a good diet of healthy foods goes a long way to preventing these problems. Exercise is a proven stress reliever and we know its positive effect on maintaining a healthy weight and heart.

My friend had successful surgery and is now slowly on the mend, however he could have easily become a statistic. His doctor told him that if he hadn’t come in for a checkup when he did, he would have probably been on a fire call and then without warning, suffered a massive heart attack and died on the spot. My friend and all other 1st Responders spend their lives helping others, but the bottom line is they also need to take some time taking care of themselves. After everything they do for us, they deserve it. Be safe always, good when you can.

Semper Fi


Corps Strength Newsletter

Monday, April 21st, 2014

You might be most familiar with retired MSG Paul Roarke AKA Master Gunz through his frequent ‘Corps Strength’ contributions to SSD, and by extension his book of the same name. Recently, Master Gunz has expanded his output to include a newsletter. Available via email subscription, the Corps Strength Newsletter features posts on physical fitness training, healthy eating advice, and outdoor/tactical gear reviews, along with plenty of humor and advice to keep readers motivated. A new newsletter is expected to be released roughly every two weeks, so sign up early so you don’t miss out.

You can sign up for the Newsletter here: Constant Contact – Corps Strength Newsletter
