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Posts Tagged ‘Dave Ruiz’

In Memoriam – Dave Ruiz

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Over the weekend industry lost a visionary and I lost a friend. In fact, a lot of us lost a friend when Dave Ruiz passed away. There isn’t enough room on SSD for me to say all of the good things that need to be said about Dave. In an effort to do him justice I’ve asked his business partner Brian Abrams to prepare a eulogy. In the comments I invite you all to share your memories of Dave. We are truly diminished by his loss.

David L Ruiz

Sorrow fills our hearts this sad moment, a pain that cuts deep and personal. Dave has silently closed the door of life and has been deployed on yet another mission, somewhere where I know he will continue to make a difference. Our lives will surely be empty in the areas that he had brightened for us.

In one word, Dave is a man who gave. He gave so much to his family, friends, work and his country. Here was a life that demanded notice-a life that burned so that others’ paths were lit.

I have known Dave for twenty years…he was my business partner, but more importantly, he was my friend, a great one at that. He was a strategic thinker, a visionary who was smart, innovative and creative. He generously gave us his knowledge, his expertise, his skills and yes, his sarcastic humor which always kept things light.

Dave was deeply concerned as a Marine with improving the quality of their gear to enhance comfort and increase survivability and he was very keen to pursue innovation and look for solutions outside the box. He initiated and implemented much in this field during his tour of duty that can be still seen today.

Dave was living proof of how fine a person can be. He was a good boss to the people in his charge, a loving husband to his wife, and a devoted father and grandfather. He was also a good friend and colleague to many of us. He was sincere, earnest, humble and loyal. He had a great sense of humor and a gentle way about him. Dave was bright, logical(most of the time) and could converse on so many topics…business, technology, sports, family and religion.

In his career he worked with passion, integrity and energy. By his death, all that knew him will miss a highly intelligent and vibrant guy with a special charm of personality. Our sadness is lessened slightly with the comforting thought that we had the privilege to know him. Dave was my best friend and I’ll miss him dearly.

brian abrams