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Posts Tagged ‘DownEast Innovations’

SHOT Show – ITW/DownEast Innovation

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

DownEast Innovation has developed numerous molded parts used in the tactical industry as well as full finished items like the FASTmag.

FASTmag Gen 4

In conjunction with ITW Military Products, they released the FASTmag Gen 4 at SHOT Show. One big update is the attachment system which is much easier to manipulate. You can see the wide strap to the right compared to the older style to the left.

I was shown two variants, one for 5.56 and the other for 6.8 magazines.

As you can see, it can be stacked one in front of two. Available from ITW, they will still be available in stackable and PALS compatible versions.

3D SR Buckle

Another new product from DownEast is the 3D SR Buckle. Unlike other side release buckles, it releases under load.
What’s more, it releases while using the whole hand in a clasping or squeezing fashion, rather than using the finger tips. Additionally, it’s quite flat making it a great choice for shoulder straps. Interstingly, it’s also frag resistant.

Holster Lock

This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen so far at SHOT Show. The patented Downeast Innovation Holster Lock may well herald a boom in holster development. Many smaller companies are hesitant to get into the holster game since much of the IP for retention is sewn up by a few companies.

This new part will allow companies to offer license-free level 2 and level 3 retention which can be actuated with the thumb of the shooting hand without compromising the grip on the pistol. Additionally, the same Lock is user configurable left to right. The parts can be removed and reinstalled in a mirror fashion.
