FirstSpear TV

Posts Tagged ‘G4TV’

Field Test With Weston Scott Coming Soon from G4TV

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

SSD readers might be interested in a new half hour special from from G4TV. ‘Field Test‘ with Weston Scott will take a look at a variety of equipment and weapons. Scott is ‘Attack of the Show’s’ military corespondent and has covered SHOT Show for G4tv over the past few years.

He spent some time with our friends at Blackheart International and his previous visits to West Virginia have been pretty good.

This half hour special is airing Wednesday, April 11th, at 8PM ET on G4tv.

PopSci Article on EOD Technology

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Fans of the G4TV show “Bomb Patrol Afghanistan” may find a new article on PopSci interesting. It covers the tools and equipment used by our EOD forces.

Operation Instant Jolt

Friday, April 15th, 2011

G4TV, the video game network is sponsoring Operation Instant Jolt. The idea is to send some decent coffee to our troops deployed overseas, and apparently the concept was inspired by the video Combat Coffee 101 featured here on SSD a few weeks ago. Ahhh, the power of the internet. They are asking for the public to send instant coffee to:

Operation Instant Jolt c/o G4TV
5850 W. 3rd St. #155
Los Angeles, CA 90036

They are accepting instant coffee until May 1st, 2011 so get those packages in ASAP!

To learn more visit

That’s Tough

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

G4TV’s latest show, “That’s Tough” features countdowns of the top categories of “tough” people, places or things in the world. The half hour format covers 3 “tough” categories and counts down the top 3 of each using archival photos and footage, reenactments and limited interviews of subject matter experts. The format reminds of History Channel’s Gangland. G4TV only ordered 8 episodes making it a very short first season. Unfortunately, the commercials featuring Dude Manrod are more entertaining than the actual show. Look for it every Wednesday at 8:30PM, or don’t.

Video GameE3 2011