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Posts Tagged ‘GEN Stanley McChrystal’

McChrystal: ‘Serious Action’ On Guns Needed

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

It is my understanding that General McChrystal was never shy about his feelings regarding private ownership of firearms during his time in the military, sharing them regularly with subordinates. Interestingly, on the very day his book. “My Share of the Task” is released he chooses to go on NBC and share his position regarding private ownership of military-style weapons. While he has often impressed me with his ability to organize various elements to accomplish difficult tasks, he is by no means a friend of the Second Amendment. I suppose it’s probably good that he made his feelings public. It will allow both supporters and detractors to view him from a somewhat different perspective.

Stanley McChrystal: Leadership is a Choice

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

GEN (R) Stanley McChrystal, USA addresses leadership during this hour-long video for the Stanford Graduate School of Business. The takeaway? “Leadership is not a talent or a gift. It’s a choice. It’s not complex, but it’s very hard.”

When The Pope talks, people listen.

GEN McChrystal on Design, Execution, and Leadership

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

When the Pope talks, we listen, and you should too. Here, Retired General Stanley McChrystal talks the American experience regarding design, execution, and leadership courtesy of Fast Company. This video was recorded at their recent Innovation Uncensored conference.

GEN McChrystal – Chairman of Siemens Government Technologies

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Siemens has hired Retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal to serve as Chairman of their new Siemens Government Technologies business unit which specializes in security systems and engineering software for defense equipment.

GEN McChrystal is a busy man. He also heads McChrystal Group, which we regularly mention here on SSD and sits on the boards of Navistar International Corp and JetBlue Airways Corp. Additionally, he is a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, where he teaches global affairs and leadership.