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Posts Tagged ‘InstantEye Robotics’

Darley Defense Days 18 – InstantEye Robotics

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

The Mk 2 GEN-5-D1/D2 sUAS is InstantEye Robotics’ entry for the US Army Soldier Borne Sensor program.

It offers a fully encrypted digital signal for command (GPS or manual) as well as real-time video. The EO/IR sensors are internally gimbaled. The aircraft weighs just 8.8 oz and will fly for about 15 min per sortie. Its service ceiling is 12,000 MSL with a max Speed of 20 mph and will hold station in winds up to 20 MPH. Max video Range is 1km (LOS).

The system includes 2 aircraft, a Tactical Sensor Control, Video Display Tablet, 4 Aircraft/TSC Batteries, Battery Charger, Spares and Transport Case.
