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Posts Tagged ‘irony’

Spray On Dirt? Sure, Why Not

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Lance Winslow“, online writer in retirement, came up with an interesting idea for camouflaging large numbers of vehicles quickly. In his article, “Spray on Dirt Research and Development” he suggest, “spray on dirt may be a concept worth research and development dollars.” His argument, which makes sense, is that development of an “arsenal” of simple solutions make fiscal sense in light of the high cost of a single armored vehicle. Specifically, his concept “consists of a unit with a small water tank and filler hose with a mini sump pump attachment [throw one end into a river, well, pool of left over rain water] to apply the sticky solution; the solution is fed into an inline injection on a 1.8 Hp Honda motor or an equivalent AC out put from a diesel generator with a military grade sprayer unit again totally KISS.”

However, I would say that “Lance” doesn’t have much in the way of military experience as in my recollection, tactical vehicles have no trouble collecting mud and dirt on their own. All you have to do is drive them around for a bit. In fact, most Sergeants Major would probably love to have the spray guns described in the proposal if only to clean the vehicles. But maybe a better material than plain old mud might be sprayed on vehicles that suppresses more than just a visual signature or helps deflect the blast of an IED.

Special Edition of Stuff We Didn’t Write About – OPSEC FAIL

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

The regular Stuff We Didn’t Write About will be published later today. But for now, we found this really cool article on Gizmodo recently that is a classic example of horrible OPSEC on the part of the Colombians. The article originated in the Spanish language paper El Mundo and details an attack by Colombian air and ground forces that killed one of the leaders of the FARC, the crew that gave the world the term “narco-terrorist”. Ensconced in a camp deep in a jungle valley no one was finding them. That is, until leader Mono Jojoy needed some new boots for his diabetes stricken feet. Colombian intelligence did the old switcharoo with the boots somewhere in the supply chain and the next thing you know, our boy Mono is walking around with a GPS device in his heel. Fast forward, and the hidden camp is under attack by an air armada of 57 aircraft including helos and Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano turbo-prop fighters built in Brazil. Too bad the US doesn’t have Super Tucano fighters. They would be great for this COIN fight we are in. Instead we are buying planes for dog fights with with 4th Generation fighters.

At any rate, after an aerial bombardment, ground troops air assaulted into the camp and met little resistance, with the only casualty being one bomb dog. Colombian forces found Mono, dead along with other insurgents. Good riddance.

So to sum it all up, way to go Colombia! But, you told the bad guys how you did it. Good luck getting that to work again. The same holds true for the internet. Nothing like folks who don’t know any better (but want you to think they do) teaching the bad guys trade craft on websites.