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Posts Tagged ‘Magpul Dynamics’

Art of the Precision Rifle

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Magpul Dynamics has released a trailer for the upcoming “Art of the Precision Rifle” DVD. This latest addition to their series is comprises a 10-hour, 5 disc DVD set. In this set, Chris Costa and Travis Haley receive instruction from renowned long range expert, Todd Hodnett (Accuracy 1st) on the fundamentals needed to shoot consistently out to a mile.

A separate disc covers long marksmanship fundamentals by USMC Scout Sniper Instructor (and Director of Training, Precision Rifle Operations for Magpul Dynamics), Caylen Wojcik.

It is set to be released in the Fall/Winter 2011.


Magpul Dynamics Launches New Website

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Magpul Dynamics recently launched a new website. It is very easy to navigate and includes course descriptions as well as a great calendar-based schedule. But, the most interesting part of the website for us, is that they have now publicly acknowledged their Airborne Operations division. Divided into two sections: Reactor DET and Air Det, their courses are restricted to Mil and LE.

The Reactor DET lays the ground work for advanced body flight by conducting instruction in a wind tunnel. According to Magpul Dynamics, the instructors at “Reactor Detachment bring thousands of hours of experience from modern wind tunnels perfecting the art of human body flight.” Their three levels of training each take about four hours to complete. Concentrating on Belly Skills, Stability, and Recovery, LEVEL I : Basic Body Flight can be “an extensive, comprehensive package for newer Military Free Fallers, or a great enhancement and refresh package for seasoned free fallers seeking to obtain instructor ratings.” Whereas, Reactor DET considers LEVEL II : Advanced Flyer, a great starting point for the more experienced free faller. Designed to introduce the jumper to more styles of flying, LEVEL II includes Introduction to free flying, Back flying, Transitions, and Advanced skills. Finally, LEVEL III : Advanced Combat brings it all together incorporating a full mission profile. Skills include flying with Combat Equipment Ruck; Combat Equipment Ruck and rifle; Combat Equipment Ruck, Rifle, O2; Stability;
Recovery; and Emergency problem solving skills.

They can also put a custom training package together or bring any of this training to a wind tunnel near you. Email AirOps@magpuldynamics.com for more info.

Air DET, on the other hand offers four courses. The first two, Dynamic Canopy 1 & 2, concentrate on canopy control and development of the ram air pilot, first as an individual, and then, as part of a group. Next, Dynamic Canopy Night Operator takes these skills to the nighttime environment with plenty of jumping in full combat equipment under NODs. Finally, Air DET offers the Dynamic Adjunct Instructor course which is designed to make the more skilled jumper capable of taking these skills back to his unit.

Recently, you may have seen a bunch of photos floating around the internet featuring Chris Costa and another fellow, Mike Olivella skydiving. Mike is “Mr Air Operations” and brings a pedigree of serving as a test jumper for manufacturers and is well known in the skydiving community.

Magpul Dynamics has been developing an excellent reputation for their Air Operations training. Interested parties should check out their website.


Magpul Dynamics Announces Precision Rifle Courses

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

During SHOT Show Magpul Dynamics announced their latest DVD, “Art of the Precision Rifle” on long-range shooting. Now, they have announced that they will be offering Precision rifle courses under the tutelage of former US Marine Corps Scout/Sniper instructor, Caylen Wojcik. Wocjik is a wounded combat veteran who has ample experience instructing both military and civilian students.

These new courses further expand Magpul Dynamics’ catalog that already includes subjects ranging from basic weapon manipulation, to advanced dynamic assault, and airborne operations.


Art of the Precision Rifle from Magpul Dynamics

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

With no fanfare and on the heels of SHOT Show, Magpul Dynamics released the teaser for their upcoming video “Art of the Precision Rifle”. It features the Magpul Dynamics crew along with Todd Hodnett of Accuracy 1st. Travis Haley is in the video and according to Magpul will probably continue to appear in future video productions.


Magpul Dynamics Presents – Art of the Dynamic Shotgun

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Coming Soon

New Magpul Dynamics Videos Coming

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Magpul’s in-house production company Randori has put together two new videos featuring the Magpul Dynamics crew. The “Art of the Dynamic Handgun” is a natural progression from their earlier titles but they have also introduced something new, “Aerial Platform Operations” which will help the viewer develop an appreciation of the helicopter as a shooting platform.

Magpul Dynamics "Art of the Dynamic Handgun"

Magpul Dynamics "Aerial Platform Operations"

They will be available for pre-order this week from www.magpul.com with delivery in February. See the entire new line of Magpul products at SHOT Show booth #14073.

TNVC and Magpul Dynamics Announce Night Fighting Course

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

Tactical Night Vision Company and Magpul Dynamics have teamed up to offer a new Dynamic Night Operators curriculum to be added to the Magpul Dynamics course offerings.

This new Night Operators course will leverage the extensive experience of the training team to provide students with the skills, tactics, and mentality necessary to conduct successful nighttime operations and survive under fire. Victor Di Cosola, President of TNVC, Travis Haley, and Chris Costa, Founders of Magpul Dynamics, approach night vision training by focusing on practical application of real word skills, disciplined mindset, and a thorough understanding of the equipment and tactics needed to survive a no-light gun fight. Very much a hands on course, the instructors encourage students to find their own way by constantly evolving, changing, and improving their skills.

The decision by TNVC and Magpul Dynamics to join forces was made because of the realization that the threats presented to Warfighters, Law Enforcement professionals, and private sector clients often occur at night. The ability to engage threats in low/no light while deploying night vision devices is a critical skill and presents a distinct advantage to the good guys. Victor Di Cosola, Travis Haley, and Chris Costa, along with the Magpul Dynamics Training Team, will give students a thorough introduction to night vision gear; the good, the bad, and the ugly, while presenting a solid and unique system for threat engagement in the dark. By combining the minds of these two innovative companies, a better product can be developed in conjunction with the latest training techniques, tactics, and a firsthand knowledge of the modern battlefield.

Also, be sure to check out TNVC’s newly updated website www.tnvc.com.