

Survivability Through Mobility

Monday, May 26th, 2008

Finally the tide seems to be turning and the conventional wisdom of armoring service members like tanks seems to be coming to an end. At the Soldier Systems APBI in May MARCORSYSCOM officials stated the they were “willing to accept risk for the sake of mobility” and the term “Survivability through mobility” has become PM-ICE’s mantra in their quest for a replacement for the Modular Tactical Vest program. The effects of this push can already be seen with the fielding of the new plate carrier to Marines in Afghanistan. PM-ICE representatives also stated that they were looking to reduce the area of coverage on the MTV replacement and reduce cumbersomeness in order to increase lethality.

Marine Plate Carrier

USMC Scalable Plate Carrier

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Responding to an Urgent Needs Statement from Marines in Afghanistan, MARCORSYSCOM has begun fielding a plate carrier. The recent backlash over the Modular Tactical Vest can also be credited with this bold move. It seems as though the services are getting the message that a more mobile shooter is a more lethal shooter. No details as to manufacturer have been released. However, an interesting feature on the prototype is offset PALS webbing on the upper chest.
Marine Scalable Plate Carrier