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Posts Tagged ‘Noisefighters’

Now On Kickstarter – SightLines: Headset Cushions with Zero Eyewear Interference by Noisefighters

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

Wearing both eyepro and earpro while at the range can become pretty annoying when the earpieces of the glasses break seal of the ear cups. Noisefighters has developed the first over-ear headset cushions to feature zero eyewear interference. Called SightLines, they are currently available on Kickstarter.


Noisefighters tells us that when SightLines cushions are worn correctly, eyewear no longer causes hot spots around the ears. In addition, the unique horseshoe ring design and use of silicone gel and memory foam softens the cushion so much that compression is significantly reduced, pressure is better equalized across a larger surface area, and eyewear will not sit crookedly or need to be constantly adjusted. The cushions are also quite roomy, so ears will not feel cramped. Headaches are also significantly reduced or eliminated compared to traditional ear cushions.


Government testing has shown a 1-10+ decibel decrease in sound deadening when eyewear breaks the head seal on traditional ear cushions used on earmuffs.


The cushions are compatible with most of the popular headsets used by shooters and aviators: Howard Leight Impact Sport/Pro, 3M Peltor (including Optime, RangeGuard, Sport Tactical, Tactical Sport, and ComTac/SWATTac), MSA Sordin, Walker’s Razor Slim, TCI Liberator/DEHP, Gentex SPH-4/5 helmets, Aviation Survival Evo helmets, and a ton more headphones and aviation headsets from Bose, etc.

Even more promising, these aftermarket pads are less expensive than gel replacements from the OEM.
