TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘San Tan Gear’

San Tan Gear – ExecPro Armored Laptop/Messenger Bag

Friday, June 27th, 2014

ExecPro Armored Bag

San Tan Gear has developed a computer bag with 2 concealed NIJ Level IIIA ballistic insert panels. The bag has a built-in hidden ambidextrous holster, two rear straps for use as a shield, and a flashing strobe for signaling. A tab strap under the carrying handle drops the rear ballistic panel, providing 270 square inches of shielding. The inserts have a 2″ overlap so bullets and fragments won’t pass through them. The ExecPro was designed for:

– Students or employees working in a firearm restricted area
– Judges, attorneys, bankers, and other high profile people
– Plain-Clothes Law Enforcement Officers
– Personal Security Details
– Everyday people who realize violence can happen anywhere

Made in the USA. Berry compliant.


LaConte Bold Coffee

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

LaConte Bold is an espresso dark roast coffee from STG Originals in Chandler, Arizona. It is dedicated to the memory of retired Navy SEAL Dave LaConte who was as killed November 13, 2009 when his vehicle was hit by a roadside IED while supporting US Army operations in the Tangi Valley, Afghanistan. The idea for the coffee came from Dave’s daily ritual of coffee and cigars. In fact, his last email to the proprietor of San Tan Gear sent the day before his passing said “Cheers, Next time you’re having a coffee and cigar, think of me, Bro!”

Now, it’s a great way for all of us to commemorate Dave LaConte’s memory and to also help out our veterans as all proceeds go to various Wounded Warriors charities. Available as Whole Beans or Ground in 1 lbs bags, get yours from www.santangear.com.