
Posts Tagged ‘Solar Stik Inc’

WASP Destruction Test

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

The WASP (Wearable Advanced Soldier Power) X-90 is put through a destruction test at Fort Bliss, Texas. Solar Stik developed the WASP in cooperation with another company, Orlando, Florida-based Advanced Power Electronics Corporation (ApECOR). ApECOR’s benchmark X-90 multi-chemistry battery charger is the core component of the WASP. The X-90 can be used to charge many military battery, including the popular BB-2590 rechargeable Li-Ion battery. In this video you can see it put through the wringer.

SOMA – Solar Stik Inc

Saturday, December 15th, 2012


We’ve been big fans of Solar Stik’s kinetic energy collection system for some time now. But now they’ve partnered with INI Power to offer their IntelliGEN flex-fuel generator which we wrote about earlier this year. They both offer a variety of energy collection and management technologies and what’s even better, they are more than happy to work together.

It might seem odd to see energy companies at a medical show but you have to consider that many medical devices require power to work. In fact, think about disaster areas. Not only is there a great deal of suffering that requires medical attention, but there’s generally no shore power either.

Look for more info soon on both of these great companies.