RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘THERMO-MAN’

Comparative Burn Test Video Dismounted FREE vs GEN III ECWCSADS

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

In this very powerful video demonstration ADS, Inc presents a burn comparison, in cooperation with DuPont and their Thermo-Man testing equipment, simulating the effects of fire exposure associated with an IED blast, demonstrating the effective differences between Dismounted FREE (Fire Resistant Environmental Ensemble) and the current issue GEN III ECWCS (non-FR) clothing systems.

While the Dismounted FREE garments self-extinguish within seconds, the older, non-FR GEN III ECWCS continues to burn. The results of which are clear within the burn data:

Dismounted FREE – 99% Survival Rate, 9% Total Burn* (2.5% 2nd degree, 6.6% 3rd degree)
GEN III ECWCS – 67% Survival Rate, 53% Total Burn* (23.8% 2nd degree, 29.5% 3rd degree)

*Unprotected Thermo-Man head accounts for 7% of Total Predicted Burn Injury.

Scenario: 4-second exposure, 60-second acquisition
GEN III ECWCS (Current Issue Cold Weather Clothing System)
-Cotton Base Layer
-Level II
-Level V

Dismounted FREE
-Level I
-Level II
-Level V

I’ve written about Dismounted FREE before. I encourage you to check out my previous article explaining its makeup and that it is an FR environmental clothing system for ground troops.


Warrior Expo East Breakout Sessions

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Aside from seeing lots of cool new gear and running into old friends, one of the greatest things about Warrior Expo is the breakout sessions. Not only is Stanley McChrystal going to give the keynote address, there are multiple opportunities to learn more about key technologies.

After learning of the theme of his address, “Plywood Leadership: Lessons on Leadership from a Warrior, Statesman, and Scholar”, I am particular looking forward to GEN McChrystal’s talk. But there are plenty of other chances to pick up something new.

But GEN McChrsytal won’t be the only flag officer on hand to lend his expertise. In the session, “Logistics: The Big Picture”, Gen Carrol H. “Howie” Chandler, USAF (Ret), LTG Robert T. Dail, USA (Ret), BG Steve Seay, USA (Ret), and Capt Donald M. Ervine, USN (Ret) will relate their experience with historical procurement trends, upcoming issues, and potential solutions to these continued challenges.

We are also particularly fortunate that Guy Cramer, President & CEO of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp will be addressing “Camouflage – The New Science of Stealth” right on the heels of the closure of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort solicitation. At Warrior Expo – West Guy mentioned the existence of a new technology and has said he will disclose more information on it at Warrior Expo – East. What’s more, maybe we can persuade him to reveal his approach to the Army requirement.

Additionally, iRobot will demonstrate their robotics technologies in their booth during a presentation entitled, “Government & Industrial Robots: Robots that make a Difference.” DuPontâ„¢ will utilize their mobile THERMO-MAN® demonstrator to show how important FR clothing is for the service member.

Other session topics include “Navigating DOD Contracting Vehicles” as well as “Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)”. Overall, a pretty good opportunity to learn more about industry.

For a full schedule visit www.adsinc.com/breakouts-east.