RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘UST’

UST – ParaShovel Pro

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

The ParaShovel from Ultimate Survival Technologies is an inexpensive, multifunction item, suited for keeping in the trunk.

Think of it as more of a trowel than shovel, but the handle is wrapped in 2.5m of ParaTinder, essentially paracord with an added internal strand of tinder which is distinguished by its red color. The rest of the stands have the same common use as other paracord.


• 4” trowel blade for burying waste and maintaining fire safety

• Line cutter cuts paracord and other cord

• Cutting blade

• Tent peg pry-tool

• Black-oxide finish reduces rust and protects the shovel.

• Protective sheath for safe storage included
