GORE-Tex Professional

Posts Tagged ‘Warrior Protection & Readiness Coalition’

Warrior Protection & Readiness Coalition Appoints David Costello as Executive Director

Monday, February 24th, 2014

The Board of Directors of the Warrior Protection & Readiness Coalition (WPRC) has announced that they have unanimously voted to appoint David L. Costello as the Executive Director of the WPRC. Congratulations!

WPRC Announcement

(Click to view announcement)

Attention Soldier Systems Industry Partners

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

As key partners who understand the significant impact our military installations have on the community and economy in Massachusetts – especially in the MetroWest region, SSD has been asked on behalf of the Warrior Protection & Readiness Coalition to invite you to join Lt. Governor Tim Murray, Chairman of the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force, and state officials for a roundtable discussion about the importance of the Natick Soldier Systems Center, its partners, and the defense industry in the state. We highly encourage anyone from our industry who will be in the Boston area on Monday to attend. A special thank you to the Morse Institute Library for hosting this important discussion.

Discussion with Lt. Governor Murray and the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force

Monday April 23 at 11:45 a.m.

Morse Institute Library, Meeting Hall, 14 East Central Street, Natick

To this post by Sunday April 22 with your name, job title, and association. Email liesl@adsventures.net.

This is a public event but please RSVP.

For more information on the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force visit www.mass.gov/governor/administration/ltgov/lgcommittee/military/

Some Background on the WPRC

Friday, November 11th, 2011

From the most recent issue of the UK magazine G3 Defence, some background on the Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition.

WPRC – G3 Article
